….God I ask in Jesus’ name that You will honor my prayer requests; spoken and unspoken that is the will of God for my life and the lives of others that I love and pray for. Bless me Lord Jesus! Bless everyone that is connected to me. Bless us to prosper, be in excellent health, even as our souls prosper in You. Save those that stand in need of salvation. Heal those that stand in need of healing. Deliver those that stand in need of deliverance. Bless us exceedingly abundantly above all we have ever asked, thought, are prayed. Crown our heads with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and favor as we grow in the true knowledge of God’s Word. Bless our love for You to grow deeper and sweeter with each passing week, month, and year.
Teach each of us how to live our lives pleasing unto You Lord Jesus and bless us with a made up mind to do so. Bless us with strength, endurance, safety, and protection as we purpose in our hearts to live a holy righteous lifestyle according to Your Word; regardless of what anyone says or thinks. Let peace, love, joy, prosperity, respect and honor rain within the walls of our homes. God all that I have asked You to do for me and everyone connected to me in this prayer please do the same for the writer of this prayer and the one who sent this prayer to me. God thank you for placing men and women of God in my life that truly care about me and pray for me. Thank You Lord. Amen!
Please Pass This Prayer on to every Christian on Your e-mail list. By doing so, you will cause a multitude of people to pray for one another and yourself.
Be Blessed Today, Tomorrow, & Always,
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister
Redeemed….I am the LORD...I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. Exodus 6:6
Restored….'For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,' says the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17…
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