Humble Servant of All
This has been the most horrible year. I’ve had some pretty bad ones before as an adult. But this one was rough. It is one for the books. Every aspect of my life was attacked, turned upside down or is now in jeopardy. Every single one. From my ability to continue making money, my current business, my peace of mind, my family’s health and my own, with no less than 2 serious health problems. Please make everything go smoother from this point on. I cannot take much more than this. My heart literally cannot take more than this. Please take pity on me my Lord. No more please. Every time I get a tiny bit of relief, something else happens, and I realize that I am still on this year’s awful rollercoaster. I am just very afraid for my future and that of my kids. Very afraid that what I spent my life building may just crumble at any moment because I trusted a family that I was helping, who despite being warned that their actions were going to destroy me, they still did it anyways. And now we are both reaping the consequences. I am left fighting for what I built and they have nothing left. Please protect us from anyone or anything who sees an opportunity in harming us now that we are wide open. And please make my surgery go well next month. In the name of Jesus, I pray.