Beloved of All
I want to explain the situation in the church in Croatia. I dont stand religion, pride and legalism, and churches in Croatia are all like that. I posted numerous times my prayer requests about churches...because of the state in the church in Croatia, there are many little communities growing, but they all have the same problem..WE KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH AND EVERYBODY SHOULD COME TO US. Its so annoying. One sister here prayed for me to be led in the church community where people are truly worshipping God (the best prayer!) . I dont have enough room to explain how our churches look like, but everything that i have deposited in me by the Holy Ghost, all the gifts of the Holy spirit are deffinetely not recognized in all the church communities where i ve been, and i have been in MANY of them. In the last church they are recognized, but i must fight with the spirit of Jezebel and other evil queens and its exausting, one day good, the other one disaster....One group of americain brothers and sisters prayed for the pastors and against their selfishness, and nobody said to them nothing about it, they were led by the Holy spirit...i suspect in the meantime that many of the pastors and other servanst are not SELECTED and APPOINTED BY GOD. Because i should SEE FRUITS, like love, understanding, even prosperity and health because i believe in the ANOINTING from the book of APOSTLES. I dont see that our pastors and other servants of God are really interested in church members and going forward with God. I tried to say them some things but they have THEIR OWN doctrines, which i find religious and constricting. Because of that i see influence of different evil spirits operating here in the body of Christ, like pride, Jezebel, control, manipulation etc., and my brothers and sisters are inheriting the behaviours of their pastors and they stay immature and in all kinds of problems. I cannot speak with them about faith. They are like i dont know how many years in Christ and know almost nothing about faith and things of God, or in other churches i feel like i must debated with them about religion (pharizees and traditions, old testament rules). So please pray God will appoint some really anointed people here who will care about Jesus, worship God in spirit and in truth and who will have really knowledge about faith and the things of God. And remove all false pastors/leaders...and enlighten all that are living from old wine and old anointing.
For all who think that i must suffer in the churches where there is no real anointing, i say, you are wrong and you are living in religion (dead faith), i am sorry that i must confront you...Jesus has even written epistles to churches where there were problems like worldliness, Jezebel etc. (problem in the church where i am currently going) and He threatened them to remove their candlestick if they dont repent...
For all who think that i must suffer in the churches where there is no real anointing, i say, you are wrong and you are living in religion (dead faith), i am sorry that i must confront you...Jesus has even written epistles to churches where there were problems like worldliness, Jezebel etc. (problem in the church where i am currently going) and He threatened them to remove their candlestick if they dont repent...