Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee
Prayer Partner
FOLLOW UP OF THE WORLD MISSION(ESTD:1976) Masagram Station Line Par,Post-Ajhapur-713401,Purba Burdwan,West Bengal,India. Mobile: +91-70018-43259/+91-98317-39358.E-mail:bhattacharjeeajoy22@gmail.com Reaching Unreached Area With Gospel.A Gospel Literature Mission by donation. Reach the Millions through our Gospel Literature. He said to them , “Go into all the World and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15. For the poor shall never cease out of the Land: therefore I command thee,saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy Land. Deuteronomy 15:11. I cover this email with the mighty and precious blood of Jesus. Amen 2Timothy 2:1-7. Mailing Address:- Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Follow up of the World Mission, Masagram Station Line Par, Post Office: Ajhapur,Pin Code-713401, District-Burdwan, West Bengal, India. Invites you for 1 Day Gospel Literature Motivational training & Blessing Meeting Date: Everyday & Each District. Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm Venue: Burdwan Fellowship. Speaker
riest.Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee. Distribution Bible,Water Bottle & Rice among Homeless & Hungry Church Members “Ministry at where other Organization or workers don’t go” SHARE THE GOSPEL WITH AN UNBELIEVER TODAY BECAUSE TOMORROW MIGHT BE TOO LATE !!! For Praise:- 1.Through Love Gospel Distribution Movement 2018, Largest Gospel Literature distributed & People eager to read with interested. 2.Many people accepted and join with teams. 3.People join with us for Worship & prayers. 4.People waiting for Baptism from India,Bangladesh,Bhutan,Nepal & Myanmar. 5.Churches members suffering from Non believers Society,but in time getting protection & Victory. 6.Everyday arranging Seminars,Seekers Rally,Special meeting & Open Public Gospel Preaching Ministry. For Prayer:- 1.Land for Worship Hall and Cemetery. 2.Bible & Gospel Literature 3.Four Wheeler Vehicle for Gospel preaching ministry. 4.Masagram Christian Childrens, they want learn, but due to financial problems they are not able to get education. 5.Importent Need –We need 3500 Indian Rupees or 55 US$ or 42 or 780 Rand to support one missionary family in the unreached places in North India.Can you come forward to help each month as long as you can ? 6.Support to 100 Supportless Evangelist. 7.Printing Gospel Literature 8.My mother suffering from Damage Kidney 9.My wife suffering from brain tumor & Eyes 10.My 3 children education as MA & Bsc 11.Distributed Gospel over 50,000 souls often in hard places where other Organization or workers don’t go. 12.Team members suffering from Malaria & unknown Feaver. 13. For sufficient Gospel literature & Bible,in Bengali,Hindi,Nepali,English,Monipuri & Santali languages. 14.Brother Suresh Saw is beliver of Burdwan Church since 2 year,his both eyes dameged in last year his eyes sight has gone. Now is Burdwan nurshing home,West Bengal.He belong a poor family.His parent are not able to bear hospital expences.Please pray for this brother may Lord cure his eyes,and also pray for his expencess that Lord provide in his mighty way. Subject: Land “ The Lord hath done great things for us, where of we are glad “ Psalm 126:3. “ How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God, How great is the sum of them “ Psalm 139:17. “ Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift “ 2 Corinthians 9:15. Respected Prayer Warrior in Christ, Loving greeting in the most Holy highly exalted and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who give Himself for us,rose again for our justification and is ever living to make intercession for us seated at the right hand of the father.Trust this letter finds you and the family in the best of health spirit. We praise our Lord God for His abundant grace and mercy shown upon us during the past years. Please rejoice with us and thanks the Lord.The burden of the Lord is upon me for long time secure a place of worship for the manifestation of His glory.Accordingly , I had been to a place named Burdwan ,96 kms away from Kolkata,where the Lord has shown me a piece of land measurement 30 kathas Bengal ,available for sale. The situation of the land is nearby to the railway station. The land owner wishes to sell the land at a total cost Rs 60 lakhs,which is comparatively cheaper as per the prevailing market. If the Lord is willing to give us the land then another additional amount Rs.2 lakhs,may be necessary to construct a temporary structure on it for the purpose of resident as well as fellowship and worship services in all we need Rs. 3 lakhs ( APPX). The work is great and large. Who am I and what is my house that I should build a house for the Lord ? However, our God is a “ God of impossible ( Mark 9:23-29 & 11: 22-23 ) He wants that we should fervently pray with faith and the prayer of faith will surely accomplish the desire of our heart (Psalm 21:2) if our zeal for Him is honest and true,then most assuredly He will be for us and help us from above ( Our help cometh from above. Psalm 121 : 1-2 ). So Respected prayer warrior, I would request you to kindly approach the throne of grace . Heb 4:16 and pray with fervent zeal for the piece of land mentioned above at Burdwan in order that our Sovereign Lord may provide us the land and also bless us with needed financial assistance for the enthusiasm which will bring glory to the eternal Lord only.This is a co operate ministry in the body of Christ and hence, we look up for His divine help and blessing.God has graciously enabled me to minister among village people by miracle and now a group of 100 believers and 50 children attend the service. Moreover, I work in near by villages and nearly 200 people will have the possibility of attending regular Sunday Services. So, I request godly people, to extend liberatty offering donations to build the Worship hall of God. From this day on I will bless you.Haggai 2:19. May the Lord bless you and reward you for your joining hands in the work of the Lord. “ Arise therefore, and be doing,and the Lord be with the “ , 1 Chronicles 22:16. Yours in His services, Pastor. Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Appreciate your prayers as our open public gospel preaching teams & Bookroom needs more prayer partners to run gospel teams smoothly. Subject:Request four wheeler Vehicle for Evangelism in our Rural area for effective ministry- Regarding-with reference would like to bring the following for your kind consideration and favourable action that I am the family member of Christ since 1976 onwards and distributing the gospel tracts till date. I was blessed by formation man of God and also I am family member of Burdwan Christian church since of north india Pastors fellowship in Masagram Christian church. Myself and my family members or serving the Lord in the region of Masagram central located surrounding around 4 countries and 4 states it is surprise to imazin how a place is located as said above. It is certainly true as expressed. People here or trible,paddy fields labours,in nature,their income per capita is very low then only other place.The people here do not know about Lord Jesus Christ. They or perising without knowing Lord Jesus Christ. However our Lord God has brought me at my age of 16 years. By the grace of God I have brought the church building in the area for His glory and in the midst of so many problem,difficulties and percicution the Lord is blessing me abundeantly to carry forward the gospel in the region. In the light of above said facts I field the subject matter that is usage of four wheeler vehicle is very much esseltial as to the gospel preaching in the aforesaid area as not reached to the required proportion,in the area. I am very small person having a great spiritual zeal to spread His kingdom and obeying his greatest commandment to reach the unreached area/people with Good News/Gospel. Since a long time I am praying our Almighty God to provide a four wheeler vehicle to quicken the required gospel preaching to evangelism our region to Christ. In this connection I humbly request your kind honor to pray for me to achieve the required four wheeler vehicle to enable us to reach unreached areas and spread the gospel effectively and turn the people of our areas towards the King of Kings and the Savior Jesus Christ for His glory. I also hope that Almighty God will raise men of God like you to bless me to fulfil the ministerial requirement as shown in the subject.I pray for your best health and safe travels. Subject:- Please help by sending Bible , New Testaments & Gospel Literature in Hindi,Bengali,Nepali & English languages. Respected Prayer Warrior in Christ battle, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I work in near by villages and nearly 200 people will have the possibility of attending regular Sunday Services. So, I request godly people, to extend liberatty offering donations to build the Worship hall of God. Open Public Gospel Preaching Teams:- Attention please,I need your prayers and financial support urgently.Some of my missionaries are in Masagram West Bengal in India.They are doing a great work, souls are trouping into the Kingdom, the sick are being healed,there are is an outbreak of revival but they have no money to move around, no cars, and there are D aged and the orphans to also look after. Please if the Lord is leading you to help in this ministry. People are hungry,sick,no shelter,no education,no food large problem by Society, etc. I need finance for feed children. I have 100 supportles evangelis,,please help . Note : If you sending from India,Please help by sending your Gospel literature through Burdwan T.C.I.also please with door delivery as above postal address. Appreciate your prayers as our open public gospel preaching teams & Bookroom needs more prayer partners to run gospel teams smoothly. Subject :-Education Help Purna Chandra Bhattacharjee, Study 1st,Year Bsc . Pray for his study,Tution fees,Travel Expence,including all total Rs.2000/-per month. Priyanka Bhattacharjee, Study 3rd Year BA. Pray for her Study,tution Fees all total Rs.3000/-per month. Monoroma Bhattacharjee and her study for MA admission,tution,hostel fees, all total Rs.5000/- per month. Subject: Unisef Hand Pump for drinking water. Respected prayer warrior in Christ battle, With due Respect and humble submission,myself would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that a worship place organised and has been continuing for many years in the name of Masagram Christian Church. This is in the Masagram Rail Station,under Jamalpur Ps. I have resident in Ajhapur,Masagram,two hundred families and we have Christian fellowship,we are all suffering for drinking water. It is not possible to have an ordinary hand pump because of the many problem. I need a Uniseff hand pump. I , humbly request you to make arrangement to supply me with this Uniseff Hand Pump. Therefore, humbly and respectfully pray before you to give us your help for the Uniseff hand pump in the compound of the Christian Church, as early as possible, and above & following mentioning subject. Myself,will be highly obliged if you honor this request and grant this help Rs. One Lakhs. Subject :- To support to supportlees workers Brothers & Sisters , I , bring greetings from the people of the Living God who are busy in the fields ministry. Important need: I have total fulltime evangelist 20.My fulltime Co workers most of the time without shelter and food. I need Rs.5000/-Indian Rupees to support one Co workers family in the unreached place in North India.Can you come forward to help each month as long as you can. (Rs.5000 x 20 evangelist) Your Bible & Gospel literature and gifts reached over 50,000 souls often in hard places where other organization’s or workers don’t go,through dedicated, 100 percent local teams.Read on and you will be as proud as I am to share what God is doing through the Follow up of the World Mission Ministry.Please help by sending Gospel literature & Bible as above address. By the Grace of God and through your prayer & financial support ministry is growing and everyday 20 thousands Gospel Literature distributed in College,School,Market and Prison. The details of our Bank Accounts are given below . Please inform us the details of your remittances. Name : Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Bank:State Bank of India, Branch- Nabagram, IFSC Code No- SBIN 0008205, Account No-30195662627 “Distributed Gospel over 50,000 Villages often in hard places where other Organization’s or workers don’t go”. Love Gospel Distributions Movement 2018 Where there is no vision,the people perish.Proverbs 29:18. Vision : To plant and help plant a church in every city,town, taluk,village and pin code of Country. Goal : Distribution Gospel 50,000,000 Copies & Bible 50,000,000 Copies in Bengali,Hindi,English,Nepali, Monipuri,Naga,Bhojpuri, Khashi,Oriya, Assameese, Boro,Santali,Sanskrit Languages. Join with us by prayer & Giving for Open Public Gospel Distribution & Preaching Ministry,Day & Night. Appreciate your prayers as our open public gospel preaching teams &Bookroom needs more prayer partners to run gospel teams smoothly. Myself and Gospel Team Visiting at Bhutan and many accepted to Lord Jesus from Budhhist ,Nepali and Bhutanees background through Gospel Literature with Special Gospel meeting. All meeting and contacts join with us,total 105 members. Assembly Hall , Please write us that you are praying for us. 1st thess. 5: 25. A true believer ,living in this World is heard myself facing many problems with public people please pray for our all needs with ministry.Printing gospel literature and distribution. Prayer and Partnership is required for this great and massive work of the Lord which happens silently without any propaganda or advertisement. We require young and old, rich and poor, near and far to consider this mission in your prayers and support. Let us make all efforts to see the Kingdom of God established in earth in our life times and to see people transformed by the Love of Christ in every colony and town, city and village by the dissemination of the Gospel.God had burdened Rev. Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee to start an Old Age Home and an Orphanage. The Church has to be a role model to the society. These visions are envisioned so that the Senior citizens and the Orphans of our churches and of the society are really taken care and thereby one could demonstrate tangibly the love of God. The following are some of the ministries that God has given us. * Multi–lingual Churches – Church Planting among various language groups. * Basic Bible Correspondence Courses – Basic Courses in English, Bengali & Hindi. *Gospel Printing . *Seminars. *Field Trainings. *Gospel Crusades. *Children Ministry. These are some of the primary functions and obligations of the Follow up of the World Mission Ministries. Dear Brothers and Sisters,Greetings to you in Jesus most precious name ! Thank you for writing to me. Myself appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing and sharing your prayer request with me. Myself honoured by your confidence in God ministry. It is my joy to know that Jesus answered our prayers and helped you to come with flying colors. We thank God for His mercy upon you. The Word of God says,” it is good to give thanks to the Lord,to sing praises to the most high “ psalm 92:1. May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in the days ahead and may you progress in the knowledge of his grace.God bless you ! Matrimonials: Wanted three spiritual boys & girls from good Christian family background for Bengali,Manipur speaking,interested persons can communication with Bio-data. Myanmar ministry. Importent Need – Missionary Pastors - We need 3500 Indian Rupees or 55 US$ or 42 or 780 Rand to support one missionary family in the unreached places in North India and others Country.Can you come forward to help each month as long as you can ? Persecution:-Indian Christians experienced record-breaking persecution in 2017 & 2018.Pray that authorities will do more to prevent the growing religious violence. Pray for Hungry Church members & Gospel Workers.Note : Masagram Church & Burdwan fellowship lost Worship Hall,Bible,Cycle & Mickset by Oppositions. Cloth : Need Cloth for Church members those persecution for Jesus Christ . Goal
istribution Gospel in every hands. Target: We all in one family in Christ. Ephisians 2:19.. Base Team: Busy for literature work. Sick: Pray for Team members & family members suffering by malayria & Dengu,need healing. Bible Class-Bth & Mth: Dear God’s servant. Bible Course for 1 month is going to be started from 2018 at Burdwan.interested people of 18 yrs and more,may contact us soon.Please pray for this ministry. Bear ye one another’s burdens,and so fulfil the law of Christ.Galatians 6:2. Activities and Societies:-At present doing social and educational work(ministry) collected many poor, needy,illiterate, slums and orphan children teaching them,How to read and write.That they may come to light of education. Through this ministry over one hundred Village people accepted to Jesus & baptised. Literature-The Heart of Man: The Heart of Man and as following books,literature,gospel tracts largest copies distributed. Needed urgently The Heart of Man in Bengali,Hindi,Nepali,English,Sanskrit, Urdu, Monipuri, BodoMechi,Kachari,Chang Naga, Assamese,Badaga,Balochi,Bama/Barmeese, Oriya,Jankha, Naga,Angami Naga,Ao Naga,Bhutanes,Garo, Bhojpuri,Bihari,Dzonkha, Gujrathi,Gurung, Ho/ Bihar,Kharia,Kashimiri/Kashmeera,Khashi,Tripuri,Konkani, Kuki, Thado,Bhutaneese, Bhotia, Kunrukh/Orawn,Lepcha,Maithali,Malaialam,Marathi,Mundari, Orissa/Pahari,Punjabi,Rajasthani,Rajbanshi,Ranchi,Sadri,Santali/Satar,Sindhi/Singhal,Tamang,Telegu,Tamil,Tharu,Vaiphei,Zomi,Boksha,and all India languages. Needed more with 5chart pictures for open public gospel preaching ministry.Bible,NewTestaments,Gospel Tracts, Urgent needed Children Bible with picture. Loan : Gospel literature and bookroom has been rapier with concrete construction and wall and cement pillars as it was so bad condition. I took the material from the local shop and they was so kind to me. I can pay in a instalment basis.Please help by prayer. Do not forget: Do not forget to pray for our ministry among the Poor, illiterate, neglected and slums children in different villages and neglected widows, We visit them, pray for them and help them. WE need your prayers and Help. Kindly pray for these neglected Widows. There is no body to look after them. Every week we meet them and pray for them and provide them food packet,spiritual note and study materials. They live at Burdwan village. They are receiving Grocery and Food Packet ,spiritual note,pencil from us. The Almighty God stored many blessing for them those who Love, Honour, Respect, Worship Him and live for Him and obey Him. Rom-8:18. Ps.25:14. Jer:33:3. 1Cor.2:9. John.14:1-3. Heb.6:10 Mt.10:42. 1John.3:2. Col.3:24. Handicapped Ministry: Distributed wheelchair ,neede prayer support,without your love,it’s difficult. Help : Help many individuals in their physical suffering or in their ministry. Each person is important and we have the opportunity to help thousands but only because of your partnership. The details of our Bank Accounts are given below . Please inform us the details of your remittances. Name : Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Bank:State Bank of India, Branch- Nabagram, IFSC Code No- SBIN 0008205, Account No-30195662627 At Present Ministry : In India – Burdwan,Kolkata,Shilong,Imphol,Dimapur,Guwahati & Andaman Nicober. In Bangladesh: Dhaka,Khulna,Benapol. In Nepal- Kakorvita,Kathmandu. In Bhutan-Phuntsholing,Paro & Thimphu. In Myanmar Border of Imphal,Yangon. Appreciate your prayers as our open public gospel preaching teams & Bookroom needs more prayer partners to run gospel teams smoothly. Your in Christ battle, Pastor. Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Mailing Address :- Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharjee, Follow up of the World Mission, Masagram Station Line Par, Post Office: Ajhapur,Pin Code-713401, District-Burdwan, West Bengal, India. ATTRACT WORLD FOR CHRIST THROUGH OUR GOSPEL TRACTS