I mean, i the second son of my parents who firstly took a breath of This PLANET-EARTH on 06/06/1972 and has since then being with This particular( FIRST BREATH) till This moment,,,, I THANKED GOD Especially at those ugly-moments whereby i was watching the ticking of a clock, a second turned a minute, a minute gave birth to an hour, Months passed faster and my years i refused to count anymore,just to help my heart-beats.on 19th to 22/11/12, a shimmer of Light appeared to my life in Lagos ikotu-egbe where I WAS REBAPTISED,. I mean, like clothes soaked in water, like a bleach, i saw a DAWN and (also saw an enablement which helped me enter into This DAWN. like a telefone-handset, my memory-card was formatted. On may 2012,my first marriage happened, and but lived a short life. On 2016, i dared another attempt, (usai.)i do not like to mention full date of those years because of a TRUTH, i can't pretend to remember again because >>>memory-card formatted is formatted. But in 19th day of february 2019,GOD ALMIGHTY FORGAVE MY DEAR THIS POOR-BOY ALL my sins and GAVE ME A FINER 35yrs Lady who become my LOVER on the immediate, her parents expressed a greater earganess and even the mother had the COURAGE to speak to me even before knowing me, because we have never MET before or hear anything about one another. At these signs, i was scared. I told the Lady, i made it a voice-message, that i dont want a lady for wife who is in the 20/30yrs age-bracket,because her appearance is like a 25yrs person.i dont know how to attatch a foto yet if not i want to do so. We firstly met at a worship-center where i asked her audience after worship, and she agreed. Both of us are Nsukka-origin. I was considsred to drop a dowry on her head, and travel back to my base in this place called sΓ£o TomΓ©,,,,,after i narrated my past marriages'ordeal. So This last sunday, GOD BLESSED US WITH A FIRST DAUGHTER FOR ME Ejike. I beg of you to pray with us for us to fulfil the remaining marriage-rites as tradition demands,FOR YOU OH HOLY-GOD TO FIX FOR US OUR WEDDING DAY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR FATHER AND LORD.... AMEN EMMANUEL! EMMANUEL! EMMANUEL!. THANK YOU.