Anonymous, let us address the issues to help the situation. We will pray according to God's will as revealed in the Bible.
First, we should address the Elephant in the room and say that asking for good karma or actively trying to obtain karma has nothing to do with Christianity or the principles of Christianity. God will give us the things we need without needing to earn things. God also does not give a person a blessing or a curse based on their Karma. God wants us to accept the gift of salvation through His son Jesus Christ. We should instead show grace to others as God has shown grace to us. We should also forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us. The best thing to do instead of Karma is to do good to all people, forgive them, and not ask for Karma. It seems there might just be a misunderstanding between Karma and the basic messages of Christianity.
Now let us address the verse Deuteronomy 28:6. Whether the verse is misunderstood or misused, it should never be used to try to assure good karma. The whole verse says, Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.. This verse does not stand alone. The verse is part of a conditional promise God gave to Moses before entering the promised land. God promises his people that if they diligently obey the Lord your God, and observe His Commandments with all their heart, then the following good things will happen.
So how do we even do that now?
The promises outlined in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 are not guaranteed to all people as an automatic blessing. Consider the words of Jesus in John 15:10 WEB If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and remain in his love. Verse 10 is saying the same thing today that the verse from Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is saying. Jesus is the latest final covenant from God and Jesus is giving the command to obey God's Commandments. Being In the Love has to do with obeying God's Commandments which have not changed as Jesus obeyed His Father's Commandments to remain in the Father's love. Of course Jesus already loved God as custodian of the Commandments which are to love God and to love your neighbor. The other Commandments describe how to love God and how to love your neighbor so that we are not confused about how to do it. 1 John 2:3 WEB says this, "And in this, we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments.
Let us also point out that the curses from Deuteronomy 28:15-68 are not arbitrary curses from demons or karma but curses that are a direct result of disregarding and disobeying God. This is not something that would come from an outside source other than from the Lord God.
Preventing homelessness, rape, communication issues, and anomalies in portals are also mentioned in the request. Your command to any demons should be in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us the authority over spirits and demons in Luke 10:19 WEB I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions -- on all the power of the enemy, and nothing will hurt you. But homelessness and rape are the acts of humans and of people. In addition, the homelessness and rape requests should be addressed by seeking God to help rescue people and to help change the hearts of people and also law enforcement officials and doctors who regularly deal with vehicle accidents.
2 Peter 2:7 says this: In addition, the righteous Lot who was very distressed and pained and tormented by the unrestrained, shameless, and wicked conduct and behavior of the lawless and immoral persons. For that righteous and upright man, living as he did in closest intimacy among the lawless and godless people, was tortured (vexed) in his righteous soul every day by seeing and hearing their unlawful and lawless deeds and crime.
Deuteronomy 28:28-29 WEB The Lord will attack you with wasting disease, with fever, and with inflammation, and you will have burning fever, and with inflammation, and with extreme burning, and with the sword. Deuteronomy 28:30 WEB says of your sons.
By failing to call on God and to have mentioned the blood of Jesus, we have no way to know if the person is trying to pray to Jesus Christ, God the Father or the Holy Spirit. Make sure that you are praying to God the Father through his son Jesus Christ by His blood. The only way we can have a relationship with God the Father is through his son Jesus Christ by His blood.
Let us pray that God will provide a husband to get married to. We will pray that God will provide a proper marriage. It is important to have a courtship to marry. There is no command to marry but if a person marries there are commandments to not do certain things and to have a Godly marriage. It is also considered fornication or possibly adultery to have sex before marriage or outside of marriage in the scriptures.
We must address the fact that Jesus' name is not mentioned. There is nothing that can be gained without Jesus Christ by his blood. It is only by the name of Jesus that we have access to God. Also, there is no other name by which we can be saved. The Bible Says in Philippians 2:9 WEB Therefore God also highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name. The Bible Also says That God will punish those who reject his son.
Believing in Jesus requires believing several facts about him. The Bible says that you truly psychologically know and trust and believe in Jesus Christ who a person is. It means that your mental state is truly believing in Jesus. The Bible says in 1 John 5:19-20 WEB We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. Not only in the power of the evil one, but the power of the evil one lies in Jesus Christ as the son of God and also in willful rejection of Jesus Christ's commanded obedience to God's Commandments.
Please examine your heart to receive Jesus. We need to remind that there is only one way to heaven and only one way to be delivered from evil or to be saved, and that is through Jesus Christ and his blood which paid the price for our sins.
Lord, we pray for ### individual and ask that their heart may be aligned with Your will, providing peace and a godly marriage for them no Godless friendship or relationship in the process. If they do not know you or do not believe in Jesus Christ as their savior, We pray that they receive Jesus as their Savior today and repent of all sin which is breaking the Commandments of God. We pray for their Bloodline and Families for three to four generations to be saved in Your Name Jesus so that there may be a proper ripple effect from the very beginning of their marriage. Jesus, please intervene by your blood against any spirits and demons that are not a good thing in their lifetime forever. We pray that they will find the relief from those who seek to do harm to them. We rebuke any evil spirits, demons, creatures, or anything associated with the devil, Satan and his crew of energy suckers, stubborn demons, and any tormenting blockers. In Jesus' name, we pray. Ask that You, Lord, remove all darkness and division, and let Your light and love fill their heart and home. Stand guard over all their mind and protect their body in all their ways of life through Jesus Christ.
In closing, Jesus, we know that you disciples were given authority to cast out unclean spirits in Jesus' name by his blood. Luke 10:19 WEB Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions -- on all the power of the enemy's and nothing will hurt you. Likewise, any unclean spirits are to be cast out in Jesus' name by His blood. Thank you, Father.
Add in Jesus' name, we also pray the famous spirit casting prayer Psalm 91:9-12 WEB Because you have made God your refuge, The LORD your habitation; no evil shall befall you. In Jesus' name by his blood. We pray God will intervene.