There are first certain requirements for entering into real relationship with God on any level. The basic requirement for our initial relationship is to repent and turn away from sin. As we commit more of our lives to God, through Christ Jesus, in discipleship, we must likewise do so according to His criteria. Jesus's first order of business for being His disciple is as follows:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters —yes, even their own life —such a person cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)
Now, I don't necessarily like the word hate used in this context, but wording is not my call. Yet, for explanation and teaching sake, I interpret the word "hate," in this verse, as "strongly prefer. Christ" Howbeit, the Word of God says what it says, and we are neither to add to it, nor take away from it.
When God called upon me to rebuke my mother, through the book of Hosea 10 years ago, I was a bit taken aback. Not sure whether He was speaking about my biological mother or my nation, I sought clarification to His instruction. Though my initial response was certainly hesitation, I answered the call: and would definitely do so again. God made it very clear to me through scripture, dreams, and subsequent events that occurred involving my mother, that He was indeed referring to my biological mother.
True to form, lacking understanding, many have judged me as a traitor, of sorts. But, just as we do not choose another’s gift nor calling; neither can we judge another’s gift nor calling. God knows His plan, and there is no searching His understanding. Meaning : man can never measure God's knowledge nor usurp His authority. He knows ALL.
Spiritual things are imparted spiritually to those who are Spiritually indwelled. Howbeit for the sake of gentiles, for lack of better terminology: we "break it down" to basic language, for basic understanding - milk. Otherwise our mis-instruction will have people dressing in certain colors, engaging in pagan rituals, and running around looking for one person on whom to turn their backs or "get blessed by." As if doing any of those things will satisfy their righteousness in God's sight. It does not. Such is not sound doctrine.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters —yes, even their own life —such a person cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)
Now, I don't necessarily like the word hate used in this context, but wording is not my call. Yet, for explanation and teaching sake, I interpret the word "hate," in this verse, as "strongly prefer. Christ" Howbeit, the Word of God says what it says, and we are neither to add to it, nor take away from it.
When God called upon me to rebuke my mother, through the book of Hosea 10 years ago, I was a bit taken aback. Not sure whether He was speaking about my biological mother or my nation, I sought clarification to His instruction. Though my initial response was certainly hesitation, I answered the call: and would definitely do so again. God made it very clear to me through scripture, dreams, and subsequent events that occurred involving my mother, that He was indeed referring to my biological mother.
True to form, lacking understanding, many have judged me as a traitor, of sorts. But, just as we do not choose another’s gift nor calling; neither can we judge another’s gift nor calling. God knows His plan, and there is no searching His understanding. Meaning : man can never measure God's knowledge nor usurp His authority. He knows ALL.
Spiritual things are imparted spiritually to those who are Spiritually indwelled. Howbeit for the sake of gentiles, for lack of better terminology: we "break it down" to basic language, for basic understanding - milk. Otherwise our mis-instruction will have people dressing in certain colors, engaging in pagan rituals, and running around looking for one person on whom to turn their backs or "get blessed by." As if doing any of those things will satisfy their righteousness in God's sight. It does not. Such is not sound doctrine.
REPENT and TURN away from sin.
There is greater damnation to those who teach in err.

Perhaps if more people would've rebuked their mothers, when called, we would not be living in, what God calls, "a wicked generation."
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