First off let me send prayers out to everyone here who is praying for a miracle,please may God Bless You with answering your prayers. Please know I am praying for all of you. I come here humbled,saddened,emotionally and physically exhausted,lost and broken hearted. These past 5 years have been a true nightmare for my 3 children and myself. I went thru a terrible divorce in 2015 after being for 13 years which obviously hurt something awful. My exhusband forget he had 3 children and moved directly from our family home. He left me with an unpaid mortgage and a ton of Bill's that I was not prepared to handle. He didnt give me any money for 2 years. He claimed he paid the mortgage yet he didnt my children and I lost our family home in October 2019. We have been homeless since then luckily my mother and her husband took us in living in a home fit for 55 and older. My mother was sick with COPD and suffered terribly until this past Thanksgiving when she lost her battle. Clearly my heart is broken for the loss of my mother. Suddenly because I was homeless my exhusband took me back to court and fought for split custody after 5 years my kids are 17,16 & 12 leaving me in an even worse financial situation. I am still at my mother's without her living with her 3rd husband. I am DESPERATE FOR A HOME FOR MY FAMILY Yet the market where I live is out of control with houses selling for 30% more than they are worth. My kids cry everyday that they just want us to go home as we are not comfortable here. I am begging the lord for mercy I have suffered beyond words. It's so bad that my right lung collapsed and my right kidney ruptured leaving me with severe sepsis and a tube in my kidney for 5 months. Please anyone that has taken their precious time to read my bio of sadness please say a prayer for us to get over this most awful time. I want to go home I want to be with my children in our own home as a family not under the rules of my mother's husband as we are at his mercy and he treats us like we are not welcomed. I need a miracle in Jesus Name Amen