Beloved of All
First I come into your courts with thanksgiving and enter your gates with Praise! Theirs many woman and men who are suffering in silence! They have been verbally abused, beaten some even brutally murdered! Still you are there in the darkness , you sing over us as in the book of Zaphania! You are Jehova Rapha, bring deliverance to those who abuse to those who have murdered a loved one! Bring them to justice, unveil to their hardened cold souls Just exactly who you are! Bring peace where there is chaos, bring love where there is malicious and contempt! Teardown all of the schemes of the devil bring those with the shod of the gospel! You take authority in each prison cell rather they are mentally in a real Prison , or living in the world , but they are being tortured night and day! Draw us all closer much closer unto your presence let you be highly exalted like never before! Set our face like a flint and remind us we must not give up , nor give in! Put the whole armor of God on! You are loved
his beloved don’t give up!