Miranda T
Faithful Servant
Please pray for Fai. he was working late at construction site last night and lost his mobile. He suspected his supervisor (Yue) has taken it but he has refused. Now the phone is still connected to internet but not able to find it. This person Yue has been committing to corruption and playing dirty money, he always did evil things and did not look at the diagram for asking the workers to work on the construction steps created many dangers and problems to Fai and many other workers, super evil, pray that God will have mercy on this evil man and reveal to him that what he has been doing will put him to Hell the eternal fire of God, if he still do not turn away from his sins and being prideful, putting traps to Fai and other workers, and even make many problems in the projects and make people get fired and bear the wrongs and errors he has done. Pray that the Angels of Almighty God will fight this spiritual battle for Fai and cover his mobile, his bank accounts and every big and small parts of his job with the blood of Jesus Christ, that even this person Yue has stolen the mobile phone, he will not be able to misuse the information and will not also heck into the banks to do anything illegal. May God also bring judgement and provide Fai from further harm. In Jesus' name. AMEN!