We would like to request prayer,and give thanks unto the Lord.We pray for a financial miracle to become debt free,we pray that the Lord will heal our health conditions,and that he will make a way,for the out of pocket medical expenses,will become affordable,or we can get some assistance with and pray for others,as well .Presently ,we can't find an affordable,secondary insurance.But we thank the Lord,we're maintaining.Ww pray unto the Lord,that,we budget accordingly,and let no obstacles,get in our way.We thank the Lord,my spouse had his biopsy,results on 8/28/24,pray my lab results are good,also.We're grateful,And are keeping the faith.Grandson is being helped,by a family member,to give him a second chance,no one wants their love one incarcerated,if they can help,and God did it,we never thought the family member,would reach out,at this time.My daughter,is very grateful,someone else cared,she can focus more clearly,knowing,he's gonna be taken care of and not mistreated,and the whole family,feels the same.Praying to the Lord,she moves forward,to find them the affordable place for,she and her family.Thank You Lord Thank You For Your Prayers