My husband retired and it has depleted our savings, and I have been on the job hunt. I was making money from Tiktok, and they banned me, (pray I get it back). All I have been able to get is part-time retail work, but I am thankful. I really love my job and I would like to continue to work there. With the oncoming holiday season, I hope to get lots of hours and pray that my health/back problems will be good enough to endure the work. We are in alot of debt and need to get another home loan modification and I have started that process. The Lord did do a little miracle in which I filed my taxes late, and we are supposed to get some extra money. The IRS is taking their time getting it to us. This should hopefully help with these bills. Please pray the money gets here quickly and pray for God's guidance in how we use it and pray for the loan modification process. My husband still will not work. He has gotten in a lazy rut. He does work for his sister and she has become selfish and will not pay him. I am still quite upset with my husband for retiring and depleting our savings, and trying to go out and find a part-time job. He won't clean house while I work, our dogs have ruined our hardwood floors, and he just sits there all day and watches TV. So there is no way my daughter will let our grandkids come over, which they are already somewhat estranged from us, and this situation does not help. Please continue to pray for this estrangement. He doesn't even worry about his own hygiene. I felt years ago that the Lord brought us together but in recent years, I am having regrets. Thank you for your prayers, scriptures, and advice as always, it is so much appreciated.