My husband retired and it has hurt our finances, and he will not take any responsibility for our finances or admit he is wrong. I am so fed up. We have struggled with money all of our married life. People have always looked down on us. I have looked for work. I have alot of health problems and tried to get disability and have been turned down three times. I have a small Ebay business and I am close to being a content creator but I have had to start from scratch due to an issue with that. We have a big financial issue coming up with our car and this caused us to have a big fight today, and he still will not admit he needs to work at least part time. It is hard to be married to someone who will not admit he is wrong. He also has taken in alot of dogs and they have messed up our home. He will not take responsbility for that and I clean the floors and try to make things look as nice as possible, but our hardwood floors are ruined, and I am embarrassed to have people over. It is getting harder and harder to be married to my husband even though he is a Christian.