I feel like I have so many bills and i've been making my payments on time and still the debt doesn't seem to disappear. I loaned alot of money to a relative so they could keep their house and now I am completely broke and can't pay my bills and they don't have the money to pay me back for awhile. I now have to get my car fixed or I can't get the registration I paid for and I don't have the money to fix it nor do I know what is wrong with it. Today I went to the grocery story to make a $20 purchase and my card was declined because although I applied for a forbearance my student loan company still charged me without my knowledge so I had to leave my items at the store. No one in my family has any money to loan out and I've already borrowed like $200 which part of it was taken from the student loan company. I don't even have enough gas to get to work for the rest of the week.(I'm so thankful to finally be working again) I know that these might seem like petty issues compared to others but for me I'm struggling to get everything taken care of my father is rubbing it in my face for aiding the relative who was going to lose their house, but i don't regret helping them out, im not thinking that I probably shouldn't have loaned the entire amount though because I cannot take care of my own bills. I don't want my credit to be ruined and have collections people harassing me, although the student loan people seem to be doing just that. Sometimes I wish money never existed because I hate the idea of stressing over it. And my family is always stressing over money. I've cut back on my purchases and when I do buy things they are usually second hand items. Yestarday my aunt found out that someone stole her Bank info and was purchasing stuff on her card, so I pray that that all gets taken care of and that the person doesn't get away with it. I pray for my aunts boyfriends sister who now has a brain tumor and doesn't look like she is going to make it. I pray for my aunt who lives in the most chaotic home ever, she is emotionally and sometimes physically beaten by her husband and non of her children respect or like her. one of her daughters runs her house and treats her so bad and is incredibly disrespectful to everyone. I pray for my cousin living there having to watch all of that drama and who also gets mistreated living there aswell. I pray that I will be able to go back to school to start this new job and that I am successful at it. I pray for my brothers who are very disrespectful and who seem to have a distorted view on how women should be treated. I pray that my neighbor who died 2 days ago was a believer and that their family is coping with the loss. I pray for all of these children in the world who are forced into human traffic, and that God will not allow the perverts that are apart of that to go unpunished. I pray for the young generation that is being influenced by such a perverted and corrupt media, music, movies, tv and they are so enraptured by it and blinded by it that they don't see all the evil in what they idolize. I pray for these artists who are encouraging youth to be promiscuous and disrespectful and so completely against God, that the Lord will open their eyes and make them aware of what they're allowing into their lives and how its affecting their lives. I also pray for these people who are manipulating God's word and are changing it to accommodate them, or to make money off of these fake religions and cults. I pray that as a believer I will be aware when it is something of God, and that I may not be deceived.