Humble Prayer Partner
intercessor and prayers warriors i am in need of some strong prayers.i take kidney treaments and today i LOST MY CHECK! I AM JUST SICK ABOUT IT! I AM IN NEED OF A MIGHTY FINANCIAL MIRACLE AT THIS POINT. I have not way to get my med, food, gas, pay a bill anything. please pray that god will make a way OUT OF NO WAY.pray that god will brige this gap for me. i have not way of geting the money back. when i say the devil and demons,and his evil slprits are all around me blieve me, my husband is on a brash journey to end our marriage,he has a evil sprit about him .he is doing evil things to hurt me,he is planning evil things, he is here but not here if you know what i mean. emotionally are any thing elsa. he is not going to help me. i have been praying and asking god to heal and restore our marriage. intercessors and prayer warriors stand in a agreement with me that god will brake down these walls around my finance, and around my husband,. the devil has come in to our life and marriage in many forms in order to attack and distrct me and my husband, and know the devil is in our life to steal. kill, and destory us,and me. please pray in the sprit with me. to do battle with the devil in the sprit. please pray for god to send his angels down here to do spritual warefare with the devil,and his demons, and his evil sprtis. please keep me lifted up in the name of jesus. please keep me lifted up in the name of jesus.please pray hard for me, i really dont know what im going to do and how im going to make it. i get a check once a month thats it for me. my husband says he is planning a trip and he is saveing his money. i know this trip is not about any good please pray that a hedge of thorns be place around my husband to shielded him from evil acts,evil infuences,. evil works,anything that is not of god. he is not going to care i lost my check.i may get my meds but that will be it, i dont have any family here, i am in bad shape i can not even sleep. so please please pray that god open some doors for me that i can not see. father god I DECEE AND DECLCARE YOU build a fence around me and my husband and our marriage. FATHER GOD I DECREE AND DECLCARE THAT YOU DRAIN STAIN EMPTY OF HIS POWERS. i decee and delcare father god that you dress me in the full armor of god and teach me how to fight againt the wiles of the devil ,against principalities, against powers,against rulers of darkiness, spritual wickedness. i declae that you are smilling down on me to day and that your favor will be in everthing i do because i am pleasing to you. i know that your word says that no man has seen are head or even imagined the wonderfull things that you have in store for those that love you, and i want to tell you i love you, and i wont to thank you for loveing me. please please pray that god hears my prayer and step in and intervene i am having faith that god will do a might work with me and in me financialy.please pray that god pulls me out of this darkness. i decree and declare gods favor today. i decree and delcare that god's word is my indispensable weapon that i will pray at all times to secure my prayer be answerd. please pray hard that no weapon against me will prosper by my husband are my financial state. in jesus name i pray amen. god bless you