Prayer Partner
TTHANKY OU to all you prayed! also prais ereport. yesteray ri recieved healign on my faicla pbones thnaky ou ord and specifically my right eye!! thnak yu Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas epray fo rmy fmaiyl salvaiotn wellebign and dieverance form allthigs displeasing tot he Lord. and for forgviness nd mercy I plad the hOlyblodo of Christour relationshsip is rocky al of a sudden. leas epray for his safety. he is homless and wiht a serious heart condition.pleas epray God heals hHIm and brign the Lord's salvaiton. he needs healign of heart valve. Lor dpleas eheal him nd dleiver him form ll demons and do alln your power ot heal him and provide him best housign and food shelte rnuttion and godly friends who are ablessing to him . i pray this fo all peoole. please also provide me a godly lovign husband flehs of my flehs bone of my bone joined by CHris tour Lord. Lor dno unbeleiver sposue. pleas eprotect my God ordained spouse form evil Lord wiht the HOly blood of Chrst an dprotec thim from sin and lsut adn adultery. please giv ehim a heart after yours Lord adn please protect all marriages you ahve ordained. Lord i only want wha tis best for me oyu knwo what i need.please joine me wiht the fleh of my flehs bone of my boen my true adam form my True Husband our Lord Jesus Chirst. no coutnerfeit. pleas ealso giv eB your salvaiton dleive rhim form smokign and alchahulism. If H eis my husband make that clear. im ocnfused Lord.. also pleas ehal my grandm aform dmentia and hela her body an dhelp me care for her an dheal my moam dnbrothe rof asperger snyodmr. please provide for all oru needs bles sthe lady today. Lor dprotec tus ofrm evil please also pleas ebelss an dhela all onthsi site. please dleiv that mad form cancer and please save all my fmialy all relatuive shela us restor oeur lives Lor dalso M yhusband form God's lfie too .prepar eus for oen anothe rjin us to be one and may we be equalyyoke din Chirst.. whoeve rmy true one flehs adam is tel him i love hima nd waiitng for him. Lor dle tme knwo if i hae an ada.. and hwo is my adadm my true adam thank you Lord. also pelase dleiver us all form diabetes insipidus diabetes 1 nd 2 nd cancer heal tha tman of cance rpelas eLor dand heal that othe rguys and al peole wiht cance.r please provide best method to eaisly tak emy grandma out every day i ebg oyu make this drem ocoem true for me.pelas ehelp me wihtmy relaitonshsips and dliver my fmaiy and hubyy form all curses and the devil pelas ehal Bélas heart and als his lfie. please surroudn al ym fmaily wiht oyu hoyl angels and dlieve rus ofrm alleivl. pleas belss my parents and fmaiyl and true adam wiht logn helaht happy belsed liefe. pleas ehal Bw teeth and gusm. please hea hisbody and dleive hrimf orm evil and whis whoel fmiay to. Lor dguid eme into all trut concenirgn him. open my heart eyes my udnerstnaidn toeward shim i nee dot knwo Lord Jeus CHirst clealr yby oyu rHoly spirit if He my adam? thank yu Lor ddo oyu wan tus to be husband an diwfe. pelas ealso giv eclaity who need clrity ocnernign who their God ordained spouse is.. pelase mak oyur faiht ful servan and myhubyb too. Please hela my dads heart make him whoile emotinaly physcially. take away all source sof dehydraiton depressoin anxiety fea rphobias and take away coorna phobia and all ohobias thnak you Lor.d pelas hela all onhsi site. pleas ekepp all wamr and safe dleive rlal peoel form poverty homlessnes and hela al lgwho need needing in every wa.y pelase giv em strenght an fthe emotinl support wisdom and lal i ened ot be the woman you crate dme to eb and sam eiwht my dad and all poel. pelas save all fmaily insuidn Béla pleas ehal adn and protect and dliev ehrim form evil and allso al ucnlena psirits. pelase dleive rV form all ucnlen apsirits and hel his brianandbody all for oyu rprias eglro yna dpower thnak you and do allinyour power ot to sav eprotec tus ofrm everyhitng tha ti sn ot oyur WIll adn do the sma eof rla peoel. help us all be pbaptiszed ansd recive the Lord's Hoyl spirit int henamoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirs.t pleas eo allinyour power to protct us form accidnet death and clamiitey and form all unclean spirits and itnentiosn protec tan dhel adliever save forgiv eme of my sins help em to be the owman oyu createdme to be and pelase hel us ll serve ou and lvoe one anothe rint henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas help em discern your ovice dleive rme form asperger snyodmr when it comes ot oyu and my fellow humand beings. I pray htis of rlal peoel. guid eus into allturth and into your WIll I plead your hOlyblood on this prayer i ask al this inthenameo fthe Lord Jeu sCHirs. tpelas ehal my grnama nd ammoma dnbrother his fmail and B andis fmaiyl and his brothers marriga eplease estre inthename of the Lord Jeu sCHirst. hela my dad and dleiv ehirmf orm lonlienss and brignhimt he hlign hie need sgudi ehim with wha to do wiht his lf egiv ehim a merr yhaoppy healthy whole hear tprotec thimf orm all evil protec thim andd eive rhim form all eivl. ipray htis fo rlalpeoel too int eh anmeof the Lord jEUS chIRST HTNAK YU.