My Lord Jesus, I do not really know what happened with those fifty seven days of fast, I was going to continue for as long as it took for you to releive me of the pain and suffering my family and I have been going thorugh, continue going through. Lord I listened to all those around me that said I would get sick and that if you had not listened to my prayers and were not moved by a sixty day fast, it was not going to happen. I listened to the people who told me to quit, to stop sacrificing for something that was not to your liking. The truth My Lord is that I beleived it myself, I continued fasting so long because I had made a promise but it was obvious that fasting would not change anything. Why My Lord, why is it necessary to make my children and my wife suffer?? Dear Jesus what fault have they to be subjected to pain and worries that belong to me only?' Dear Jesus on top of this misery we are living in, not knowing if we will have enough for our next meal, my mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and I have to help with her care and her supervision, how Lord?? How am I supposed to do this if I am barely able to feed my children? My Jesus, you know my heart, it is true and it is strong, I believed I have proved myself to you, if not, tell me what it is you want from me, let me know what I have to do to win your support to get out of this situation. I have prayed, I have begged, I have cried my eyes out kneeling before you asking for some relief,for some sign that you are listening to me, that you are even paying attention to what I say, I get nothing, I have received nothing, it is like you have dissapeared.I am not complaining Lord, I am expressing my feelings which is different, You know that during this last six or seven months in which we have lived in misery I have not complained, I am not a whinner, I fight for what I need. Today my Lord, I am tired of fighting, I have no where else to go, nothing else I can do. All the doors are closed before me, I am unable to find work, I have no place from where to get money, the one place where I found some relief, this website, is now banned from me because I do not have an internet signal at home anymore. I had to borrowq a signal this morning to write this message.
I feel My Lord that you are pushing me and pushing me just to find out how much I can take. It seems to me that you have abandoned me to the wolves. Lord I am sure that you know how much pushing I can take before giving up, I am sure that you have a plan or something in mind and that eventually this will stop. Lord It is just painful and heavy on my heart to watch my family suffer, to watch them live under pressure everyday for things that should be normal, that were normal in their lives, simple things like electricity, water, cable and the internet. These are simple things Lord, I am not talking about choffers or limousines, I am talking about their God given right to go to school and get an education, their right to expect some food and shelter from their father. Lord is it tooo much to ask for?' Apparently it is for I have been struggling with this for months on end and there is no solution in sight. There is a saying that that says that the night is darker just before the sun rises, My Dear Jesus my nights ave been terribly dark for months now and I do not see any light or possibility of light anywhere, all that is left is hope and faith in my heart and even those are starting to fail. A couple of days ago my innocent little girl asked me why we were in trouble, she asked me why I did not go back to business with my old friends, she said she remembered the good times when there was plenty of everything at home. She asked me why I did not ask them for a job, they would make all the bad things go away. Yes Lord, this is the innocense of a child, and the pain of a father who can not explain the reasons why I cannot go back to them, the reasons why we are in this position because I do not know these reasons. Lord I walked away from many things on the day I gave my life and their lives over to you, I walked away from financial security and comfort, away from medical insurance and house and car insurance. I walked away from their universities and from their comfort to follow you Lord.It is very hard my Jesus to continue on this path, I have no words to explain to them why things have to be the way they are. I simply do not know why they are like this, Lord I believed that things would be better following you. I believed that there would be peace and understanding at home, I believed that you would fulfill your promises to us, when you say that if we follow you, you will take care of us. Lord I do not know where I stand today, I cannot pray any more, fasting is out of the question, my stomach is used to little or no food, there would be no sacrifice in it, I can not read the Bible more than I already do, I do not know what I can do, It is not in me to sit around and wait for things to happen, You know I always go out there and make them happen. Well My Lord you know I have also sat and waited for them to happen, believed, trusted you, waited on you,and nothing hasd come from anything I have done or have not done. So today I am standing here with my pants down, in the middle of a cross road with nowhere to go and nothing to do. I do not know which is the right road to follow and you are not talking either. I beg you Jesus show me the way, give me a sign that I can understand and follow.
You know my heart and you know that I am just a man, a simple man, you know My Lord how many times I have been tempted, you know my Lord how many times I have looked back and thought about leaving you and joining them. Dear Jesus you must also know how many times my children must have believed me stupid and sttuborn for leaving everything behind to follow you.
I was just wodering about something Lord, I have not been online for more than one week and I expected to find many, many messages of people wondering if something had happened to me. For more than one year I have come online, into this website to pray for people who I do not know and will never know. Every day I have come with very few exceptions, I trully believed I would find messages of hope and messages telling me people were praying for me and asking for blessings for me and my family. Lord all I found where the messages and the love from the people I have become friends with through this website, that was all, three or four people wanting to know about me and my family, the rest, the hundreds I have prayed for never stopped one second in their tracks to find out what happened to me in fact they never stop to find out or to pray for anyone else. Lord, when I first came here, I came looking for prayer for relief and for some love from other Christians like myself, when I say Christians I do not mean Catholics or Evangelists or any other religion established by man, I mean people who love and cherish YOU My Lord. After that I stayed because I felt that I could give some thing to these people who had comforted me when I was in need. I stayed and have prayed every day for more than one year and today I am sad to say that I do not feel the love anymore. People are stuck and twisted around their own problems not caring about what happens around them. Lord they worry about gas prices, food prices, war in Lybia, Afghanistan, Africa, Colombia and many other ´places but they have forgotten the individual soul, they have forgotten the man and the woman next door. They do not think about the individual they could lend a hand to, the one person who would feel better with a few comforting words. The person who would in turn, make someone else feel better and so on until millions would have a good day because ONE person cared about someone else somewhere in the world.
Yes Jesus we live inmersed in a world of pain and sorrow, we are always concentrated on our own suffering and pain and we forget about the others, we forget about the guy besides us. Maybe this person needs nothing but a kind word, and this kind word will change his or her life completely, but who cares, we have enough problems of our own. A prayer website, great I will write a message asking for prayer to solve MY problems, who cares about the problems of others. Should we stop and pray for someone else ??? Why we have enough problems and we do not have time to pray for others, when things are better for me then I will come back and pray. But things are never better because we are greedy, we are selfish all we want and all we do is look at our own problems and worries, what ever others feel and others need is their problem not mine.
Lord I came online today to say a few words to you and my friends out there, those who worry and pray for me. I am not defeated, I am not alone, You and my friends stand besides me, IF YOU ARE WITH ME, NOTHING CAN GO WRONG. I may not be coming on everyday like I used to do but I will when ever I can. Stay strong, look to your left and to your right, pray for your friends, pray for your enemies, pray for those you do not know, it is our duty as soldiers of God to pray and think of our neighbor's well being, to care and worry for others and their problems. Your problems will never be solved if you are selfish and greedy, think about others, share your wealth, share your love, share your faith. My brothers and sisters, I beg you to keep me and my family in your prayers, apparently it is not the time for me to rise from the dead, I KNOW THAT THE DAY WILL COME THOUGH, meanwhile remember that even though I am not writing on this website you are always in my prayers and in my heart. I miss you all very much. Thank you Jesus in you we trust. I miss you all, my friends and those I do not know too, because praying for them has brought me closer to God and this is the ultimate goal we all should have. God Bless!!!
I feel My Lord that you are pushing me and pushing me just to find out how much I can take. It seems to me that you have abandoned me to the wolves. Lord I am sure that you know how much pushing I can take before giving up, I am sure that you have a plan or something in mind and that eventually this will stop. Lord It is just painful and heavy on my heart to watch my family suffer, to watch them live under pressure everyday for things that should be normal, that were normal in their lives, simple things like electricity, water, cable and the internet. These are simple things Lord, I am not talking about choffers or limousines, I am talking about their God given right to go to school and get an education, their right to expect some food and shelter from their father. Lord is it tooo much to ask for?' Apparently it is for I have been struggling with this for months on end and there is no solution in sight. There is a saying that that says that the night is darker just before the sun rises, My Dear Jesus my nights ave been terribly dark for months now and I do not see any light or possibility of light anywhere, all that is left is hope and faith in my heart and even those are starting to fail. A couple of days ago my innocent little girl asked me why we were in trouble, she asked me why I did not go back to business with my old friends, she said she remembered the good times when there was plenty of everything at home. She asked me why I did not ask them for a job, they would make all the bad things go away. Yes Lord, this is the innocense of a child, and the pain of a father who can not explain the reasons why I cannot go back to them, the reasons why we are in this position because I do not know these reasons. Lord I walked away from many things on the day I gave my life and their lives over to you, I walked away from financial security and comfort, away from medical insurance and house and car insurance. I walked away from their universities and from their comfort to follow you Lord.It is very hard my Jesus to continue on this path, I have no words to explain to them why things have to be the way they are. I simply do not know why they are like this, Lord I believed that things would be better following you. I believed that there would be peace and understanding at home, I believed that you would fulfill your promises to us, when you say that if we follow you, you will take care of us. Lord I do not know where I stand today, I cannot pray any more, fasting is out of the question, my stomach is used to little or no food, there would be no sacrifice in it, I can not read the Bible more than I already do, I do not know what I can do, It is not in me to sit around and wait for things to happen, You know I always go out there and make them happen. Well My Lord you know I have also sat and waited for them to happen, believed, trusted you, waited on you,and nothing hasd come from anything I have done or have not done. So today I am standing here with my pants down, in the middle of a cross road with nowhere to go and nothing to do. I do not know which is the right road to follow and you are not talking either. I beg you Jesus show me the way, give me a sign that I can understand and follow.
You know my heart and you know that I am just a man, a simple man, you know My Lord how many times I have been tempted, you know my Lord how many times I have looked back and thought about leaving you and joining them. Dear Jesus you must also know how many times my children must have believed me stupid and sttuborn for leaving everything behind to follow you.
I was just wodering about something Lord, I have not been online for more than one week and I expected to find many, many messages of people wondering if something had happened to me. For more than one year I have come online, into this website to pray for people who I do not know and will never know. Every day I have come with very few exceptions, I trully believed I would find messages of hope and messages telling me people were praying for me and asking for blessings for me and my family. Lord all I found where the messages and the love from the people I have become friends with through this website, that was all, three or four people wanting to know about me and my family, the rest, the hundreds I have prayed for never stopped one second in their tracks to find out what happened to me in fact they never stop to find out or to pray for anyone else. Lord, when I first came here, I came looking for prayer for relief and for some love from other Christians like myself, when I say Christians I do not mean Catholics or Evangelists or any other religion established by man, I mean people who love and cherish YOU My Lord. After that I stayed because I felt that I could give some thing to these people who had comforted me when I was in need. I stayed and have prayed every day for more than one year and today I am sad to say that I do not feel the love anymore. People are stuck and twisted around their own problems not caring about what happens around them. Lord they worry about gas prices, food prices, war in Lybia, Afghanistan, Africa, Colombia and many other ´places but they have forgotten the individual soul, they have forgotten the man and the woman next door. They do not think about the individual they could lend a hand to, the one person who would feel better with a few comforting words. The person who would in turn, make someone else feel better and so on until millions would have a good day because ONE person cared about someone else somewhere in the world.
Yes Jesus we live inmersed in a world of pain and sorrow, we are always concentrated on our own suffering and pain and we forget about the others, we forget about the guy besides us. Maybe this person needs nothing but a kind word, and this kind word will change his or her life completely, but who cares, we have enough problems of our own. A prayer website, great I will write a message asking for prayer to solve MY problems, who cares about the problems of others. Should we stop and pray for someone else ??? Why we have enough problems and we do not have time to pray for others, when things are better for me then I will come back and pray. But things are never better because we are greedy, we are selfish all we want and all we do is look at our own problems and worries, what ever others feel and others need is their problem not mine.
Lord I came online today to say a few words to you and my friends out there, those who worry and pray for me. I am not defeated, I am not alone, You and my friends stand besides me, IF YOU ARE WITH ME, NOTHING CAN GO WRONG. I may not be coming on everyday like I used to do but I will when ever I can. Stay strong, look to your left and to your right, pray for your friends, pray for your enemies, pray for those you do not know, it is our duty as soldiers of God to pray and think of our neighbor's well being, to care and worry for others and their problems. Your problems will never be solved if you are selfish and greedy, think about others, share your wealth, share your love, share your faith. My brothers and sisters, I beg you to keep me and my family in your prayers, apparently it is not the time for me to rise from the dead, I KNOW THAT THE DAY WILL COME THOUGH, meanwhile remember that even though I am not writing on this website you are always in my prayers and in my heart. I miss you all very much. Thank you Jesus in you we trust. I miss you all, my friends and those I do not know too, because praying for them has brought me closer to God and this is the ultimate goal we all should have. God Bless!!!