Feelings of wanting to die. On and off feelings for quite some time now. I’m just ready to give up, I’m tired of the stress with the people I so loved. My energy is not good, hasn’t been good. I can’t even focus on what I like anymore. I’m confused and unhappy. I just want to give up on life, it’s sad. My mental has been affected the most. I feel so ugly on the inside and out. I don’t carry a smile, I’m always frowning because it shows I’m unhappy with myself and the situation. I have no one, everyone has crossed me and I’ve cut them off because I can’t deal with snakes. LOST
You are not here by mistake, You are a child of God. He most prized, you may not feel like it, me either at times, but His word, He spoke doesn't lie because He cannot. Yes, cut whoever Satan sends in your way with the sword

God has provided for you. This world isn't easy, but God is. Child, put in what makes you feel sexy, do your hair and makeup, get in that mirror and tell you…YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL SOMEBODY, with a Father who does not play behind you…say it even if you don’t believe it at first, but even if you can’t come to terms to believe it…guess what? It’s true and not at all one bit of a lie. God knows your heart and hears and sees your pain. You are somebody, maybe not to this world but to the one who created it. Boom

Now get up!! Dry those tears and go in the mirror and tell you…YOU ARE THE DAUGHTER OF A KING

. I pray Lord that your child shines so bright, that she has to be acknowledged by all, and whatever Satan and his legions are doing in her life I rebuke them in Jesus Holy Name, remind her she’s a queen, remind her she has a purpose, remind her she is no mistake destined for great things Lord, heed her cry Father in Jesus Name it is done!! AMEN