Servant of All
I have been feeling overwhelmed the last 2 days. I feel like my life is out of control and I am just floating day to day trying to focus on God and what I need to do to be happy. I feel scared all the time and my anxiety takes over. I try not to focus on the past where I felt everything in my life was in order. My marriage, my health, my career, my relationships with friends and family were amazing but now everything is disrupted and I am so scared things will never be restored to a calm state. God I need you so much right now. I'm reaching deep inside for the Peace you have given me but it is not always easy to not think about everything going on around me. I know there are others that are suffering to a greater extent than I am and I am thankful for my life I just pray that I can finally find that peace that I craze and that it will help me handle life's ups and downs. God only you can help me and miracles happen all the time so I'm asking if you would help me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!