Beloved of All
I have 2 people in my life who I used to be really close with and they were a couple until this summer, they've always been good friends to me but recently I've realised how anxious/stressed I get at the thought of hanging out with them/speaking to one of them on the phone (I get anxious about non-GP/ my parents related phone calls). I feel like maybe the ''frequency'' is off and I don't want anything dramatic or horrible to happen but I'm feeling anxious that maybe I'm an awful person for feeling like this? Further Info: I went on a holiday with one of them last year and it was the most draining experience of my life! Which makes me really upset!
I have another group of friends/individual friends who I love hanging out with, who don't make me anxious or stress me out and who I attend religious services with/am on the same frequency with. Obviously I also appreciate everyone is different, and I am an extremely anxious person when the opportunity rises.
Please pray this feeling of anxiety goes away, and that I can still empathise with people because I appreciate that quality. And pray I can appreciate my friendships that don't make me feel those things more!!!
Chag Sameach!
I have another group of friends/individual friends who I love hanging out with, who don't make me anxious or stress me out and who I attend religious services with/am on the same frequency with. Obviously I also appreciate everyone is different, and I am an extremely anxious person when the opportunity rises.
Please pray this feeling of anxiety goes away, and that I can still empathise with people because I appreciate that quality. And pray I can appreciate my friendships that don't make me feel those things more!!!
Chag Sameach!