Humble Prayer Warrior
I'm so hurt by my husband. He has turned his back on God, me and everything is always my fault and never his fault. We are seperated as that is how it has to be for now. I been praying for Him and he has turned into someone else that I don't know. Prideful and emotionless. I'm confused that maybe I married the wrong person??? I need clarity and direction/wisdom. Was I decieved by satan and married the wrong person???? I am due in a few months with our second child and he has not helped me out not one bit nor does he seem to care. Doesnt even check up on me to make sure me and the baby are okay. I cried so hard today. Im so hurt by him. Hes more concerned about meeting new friends and going out to have fun. Its so easy for him to give up on us and leave. Don't know what to do. This person he has become is like a stranger. He puts his mother first and she does everything also to encourage his wicked behavior. What do I do? How do I know if this is who God ordained me to marry now? He rejects my heavenly Father. He calls me mentally ill for my relationship with God now