Father, let the writer behind onemorehope, experience in a Mighty way the HOPE you have for this person.
Place in this person's heart and mind, some ideas and direction in order to move forward in Faith.
Thanks you that you're listening and that you answer even before the prayer is being said.
Dear onemorehope.........................................YES God Does Love YOU and is no stranger to what people also said about him with lies and gossip.
Fear not as He is also with you...HOld your head up and try and do something for yourself one step at a time...He will be there to hold you up and lead you out of the darkness as He is LIGHT and there is LIFE in believing in HIM.
Trust HIm with all your heart and mind and lean not upon your own understanding...you may feel that evil won the battle yesterday, but trust me, GOD WINS THE WAR!!!!!!! Get back in the 'game' with your Armor of Faith and you will taste the Victory over Evil once again. NEVER give up on the 'fight'...it's biting at all of our heels right now as it's days are numbered. HOLD YOUR HEAD UP AND MOVE ON AS JESUS ALREADY WON THE BATTLE AND THE WAR FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!