Disciple of Prayer
Father why do I pray when they are never answered.why do I try to believe and trust that all will be ok when it's not.why do I try so hard to keep going when it's easier just to give up.i try to lead my family but maybe I'm not the one they need.why pray and ask for forgiveness or pray for things for my family when things turn out the wrong way and it tears my family apart.i see their pain and know their hearts are breaking into pieces.what am I to do when you see the ones you love the most go through this.why do I try to help others and do what is right when so many that do wrong and only care about themselves get so many things.how am I not going to be envious of them and want what they have.when is enough enough.when I just want to give up because I haven't any fight left in me.i try to believe and trust in you but it's so hard.i have no one to turn to no one to ask for help but you but not even you gives me help.why can't I get a miracle or the tiniest blessing.why don't you hear us.what keeps you from us hearing us cry out to you.im tired and my family and I need rest.we need peace.i ask why father don't you answer our prayers.i don't even know why I pray any more or try to think it will be a better tomorrow.what have we done to deserve this.i just don't know how much more we can take.father if your out there if you hear or prayers please show us.amen