Proud Servant of GOD
Beloved Warrior
FATHER thank YOU for helping me and everyone. Please don't let me have hurt feelings or be jealous or feel insecure or any other negative or sinful feeling. This seems like a silly embarrassing thing to ask for, but YOU said ask and you shall receive . As you know over the years I have battled with my weight anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive eating. I've never seen a doctor about it because most people don't know and I don't want them to. So please don't let them know. I have gone up and down in weight and this has had a negative effect on my body and my self esteem. Even when others tell me I'm pretty or looking slim though I'm flattered and thankful for it I don't see that myself. I don't like to wear shorts, dresses, bathing suits because I don't like how they look I hate taking pictures, but I am trying to get better about it. I don't like video chatting because the side of my camera that shows further away is broken and the side I can use makes me look huge. I know I did this to myself I ask for your forgiveness. I have lost a lot of weight recently through very low eating, exercise, and slight throwing up. Sometimes it's due to my stomach pain and sometimes I do it on purpose, but I still feel that I look very fat and gross and I have been having some terrible stomach pain it is excruciating when it happens. Please make this pain stop and don't let it be anything serious. Make my body and me beautiful inside and out and help me to be skinny and healthy and dont allow me to be vain about it. I know outter looks don't matter to YOU, but I want and pray for YOU to make me beautiful inside and out for the one YOU have chosen for me more than anyone else because I don't want anyone else, and I want to feel confident and sexy for him so he won't look at other women and please don't let him look at other women. Also my biological parents were both addicts one to drugs and one to alcohol. Though I was not raised with them for long I see addictive behaviors in me. Smoking, drinking soda, obsessing about everything. If this is a generational curse please remove it or whatever else is causing these bad behaviors and same for everyone else. I don't have the strength to heal myself so please do it for me supernaturally as only YOU can and same for everyone going through any kind of addiction or addictions. Thank YOU and those praying for me for YOU and their time, help, and prayers and thank YOU for giving me exceedingly above the desires of my heart In the name of YOUR SON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST we PRAY AMEN . Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,