Good and Faithful Servant
Father Satanists Luciferins gangstalkers are all evil and are all using technology that invades peoples minds and ears. I've recorded several of these violations of me on here. I personally but others as well need deliverance from this evil technology. They through there evil god Lucifer, Satan the Devil are one taking on your place they use false accusations to try and revenge themselves of what they think is some sort of injustice, or they deceive people into thinking that's what's happening when all the time their goal is to try and stop your second coming. From what I know most everyone that's having this happen to them are Christians. But the bad part is some fake Christians do this crap too, thinking they are doing something for Christ, but what they are doing is the workers of Iniquity. Good decent people don't do this. Only those with black hearts do this. Satanists will never repent. At least the ones I've posted in here several times never had never will. They in Jesus Name need killed they torment people, they poison people break into their homes, Gaslight them, Some have been illegally RFID chipped against their will. Very few in society are left that aren't complacent with these evil monsters. All that's left Jesus is for you to silence them in the grave. AMEN!