Humble Servant
Father I come before you at this time asking for protection for darrell who is in castrated 1 month yesterday I pray these prison guards would stop treating others like animals it hurt me to hear the horrible things they says to inmates darrell is having a very hard time in there he is missing his 2 daughters unable to sleep at night locked in the cell for 23 hours due to the violence in that prison I am praying desperately for him to move closer to the city 5 hours away from home just for processing then a location where he serves his time and would be able to do programs I pray they would move him from that dangerous environment where the gangs members are bullying other to use the phone thank God he could email father only you knows how darrell feel and what he is going through I am having night mares darrell say he is feeling mentally ill in that cage only you have the power over all things remove the negativity bitterness and cruel people from his surroundings rebuke the nasty names calling by the guards and dirty insults remove the gangs members from his path today monday so he can talk to his daughters please grant his heart peace and calm I lift darrell up to you at this time asking for your mercy and forgiveness towards him and pray in Jesus name Amen