Dear Sandra, we and our families are under the blessing of God and if we sin we are stopping the blessing to flow freely into our lives and lives of our family, so if You have sinned just repent and ask God to help You not to do it again. If it is persistant, You are dealing with evil spirits, so cast them out. In your situation i find the best that you take Holy communion (Bread and wine) every day for 30 days, cleanse yourself from sins (confessing, repentence) and then ask God through his powerful provision of His Holy Blood and his broken body to heal your mother. In this way You Will be closer to God, your faith Will grow, You Will have something for grounding in prayer, You Will keep yourself from sin and your mother Will be healed!
If You need special boost for your faith in healing, use these prayer points: pray them aggressively, dont be afraid, You are a conqueror, devil wants You to be scared and in unbeleif, but he is a lyer! The Word of God is true, use it over the lies and Works of the devil (sickness).
The devil came to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus came that we have life and life more abundantly. Jesus came to destroy the Works of the devil. Use those scriptures when You pray for your mom and JUST BELEIVE, this is your only Job. When You are finished with praying with the Word and commanding the devil to leave then sit down/lay down and let God do the work. Dont worry, dont meditate on negative outcome, on your guilt etc...)He is good and faithful. He Will do it because he loves you soooo much. You have no idea how precious You are to him! His Princess, the Apple of His eye, his Holy nation, his beloved daughter. He Will do anything for You. Trust Him sister!
A Daily Prayer For Healing Cancer Patient? | elisha ...
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