Good and Faithful Servant
Father in your son Jesus's name I admit I am a sinner, and I praise your holy name. I thank you Jesus that some Gangstalkers will turn and repent, and will turn over to me and or Anna Toledo Or Aime Holem who are all helping to stop this gangstalking evil. We/ I need files, of evidence of companies and or the FBI watchlists and lists of those who have microchips in them and those that don't. We/I need URLs that street theater people use to log into to shoot us with microwaves and or whatever else they do to us. We/ I need files and maps and locations of hidden microphones and hidden speakers, and hidden transmitters. We/ I need evidence that shows these people are Child-Human sex traffickers. We/ I need people to Join Targeted Jusctice, and ICATOR, and help donate money to them for they are fighting for TI IE: Targeted Individuals so we can regain our life's back. To help stop the DEW weapons which means Direct Energy Weapons being aimed at us and the lies street theater people are told. and to Expose these people and their use of Gangstalking and gangstalkers as the man of sin and perdition. I need your help too Jesus to make my brain, and spine immune to their musical notes they play on my spine to make me sick, vibrate to shock me and my feet, and ears etc. Father I thank you that you will this. Also I've been given a document from the DOD that shows they have concerns about EMF weapons and lasers, even though most Dr's will say EMF harm doesn't exist. Why would the DOD dept of defense, have concerns, and training for something that doesn't exist. So Jesus I praise you that I will find a way to use this document in the best way possible to inform the public. It's dated 2021 so it's recent not a long time ago. too we / I need hackers to hack the DOD, FBI, CIA, State and local Sheriffs, and police dept's to gain evidence about gangstalkers, AI, that's used, and DEW weapons and Ham radios, AM FM walkie talkies, and other RF frequencies that they use to experiment on us, and torment us. Then forward that info to not the cops or UN since the UN are all part of the Child-Human sex trafficking but to those like me or Anna Toledo the lawyer for targeted justice, or AIme Holem. so it can be used in a court of law to hold them accountable plus get criminal charges brought against these criminals. I thank you Jesus and AMEN and AMEN!