Good and Faithful Servant
Father in heaven in your sons name I come to your thrown boldly and ask that at least some Gangstalker who fear the consequences of not doing what they are told repent and if v2k gangstalkers attempt to recruit them back to Satan that they be strong enough to stand and to seek the help that is coming. God for the first but there are anti Ganstalker groups coming to power now to destroy the enemies kingdom and their lies and targeting of innocent people. That they repent of their evil and if possible the v2k ganstalkers repent as well since their addicted to hurting people and children they may not but if so then through your love mercy and grace they will repent and stop Gang stalking people. Especially those that do street theater. For some are ignorant of the truth they're told lies about the person they target and thing they are doing something good and not evil but it's evil even if what they are told is truthful their fruit is evil. making noises and low tones with their mouth to make words sound as if it goes along with the v2k gang stalkers sound or noise it's evil for all have human rights and no one has the right to play God. These people are the man of sin and perdition but his ranks can be lowered and your ranks Jesus could be higher. So Jesus in your name I pray that hords of gang stalkers repent and stop buying into these evil programs that have nothing good in them and come form only the devil and his lies and iniquity. IF nothing more warn them with some sort of tragedy int their life that tells them this is from God and if you don't repent you will fry in the Lake of fire, and may in this life end up incarcerated or put on death row since these crimes are war crimes against Humanity worst than Hitler ever did. So Jesus I ask that you do this for me and I know you will and or hear my prayers since they are in truth they are not from iniquity. Your kingdom comes and your will be done here as it is in heaven and may your Glorious name be exalted and oppression of the enemy be unyoked AMEN and AMEN!