Good and Faithful Servant
Father in heaven I come before you a sinner and ask you to forgive my sins and wash and cleanse me of all sins. Father too in your sons name AI artificial intelligence is killing people with RF signals. It's getting people to kill each other and other evils. There's a signal that emanates from HAARP or other military institutions that are being weaponized against people and against their will and against you. People all over the world are hearing these chat bot AI things and are falsely being accused of things by these things and having people kill or attack them because of these false things it says through the air and RF signals. So please and I give you thanks and praise that you will and have already, but these things need destroyed and the transmitters needs destroyed. So please and thanks that you have and will send your angels out and destroy these places that these AI entities are being transmitted from to shut these evil signals off Thank you and AMEN and AMEN!