Good and Faithful Servant
Father in heaven hallowed be thy name I thank you for hearing and answering all my prayers. I repent of all sin that I may have done the last 24 hours or so. I repent of judging people harshly if so and or any other kind of judgement I've done at times throughout my life. Father in your sons name I ask for judgement between me and those who accuse me of being a baby raper and or child porn etc... I ask if guilty of what they accuse me of for you to kill me, if not kill them. Father gangstalkers or one with computer skills has hacked my computer and TV and is using AI to attack me I've posted several of my videos or sound videos and people have heard the voices on there so they know it's not me being mentally ill or I hope since I have evidence that I believe is sound evidence that would hold up in a court of law. But v2k and gangstalking is a real thing and not just people hallucinating etc... This stuff father is using false statement about what is going on like judgement etc... they use arbitrary laws that only pertain to me to control me etc... things that don't need said except one is not to eat meat and to not use toilet paper etc... Father you know the rest but discount those arguments of the arbitrary things they use but if guilty of rapping any kid or child porn or anything like that kill me if not kill them. Father too protect me from the mark of the beast protect my brain my mind my spirit my soul etc... From manipulation and other forms of outside attacks. Let me too be able to track down the humans who are doing this to me and incarcerate them or as I asked kill them if that is your will. Father I have received phone calls and saved those recordings and on the voice recordings you hear the same people in the phone calls so this proves that some one is trying to control me and use me as their puppet or toy. So again father judge between me and them and if I am guilty then you can kill me but if not kill them AMEN and AMEN