Beloved of All
FATHER,you are so loving, thank you for this day. Help me to be what you want me to be. Please let your will always be our goal. Father please bless us on this mission. I pray for my children, let Jesus come to them, come to them, come to them Jesus,let them see and feel your Love. Set their heart on fire for Jesus. Jesus the only flesh to fulfill 10commandments. The word in the flesh. Our Father loved us so much he wiped our sin away with perfect dna in us from Jesus. God cannot stand in sight of sin. Love and careful planning beyond our comprehension. Amen. Father I want everyone to choose this gift you have given Jesus. I can see that we are in the day's of sorrows. That we should be yelling on every corner that Jesus is coming soon for his Bride. prepare your lamp oil so you won't be late when door shuts. Yes Father like the door to the Ark in the day's of Noah. O Father O Father there are hurting dying children around the world in the name of war .hurting children crying, cold,being hurt. Please Lord let all Christian people stand up for your word you are our rock.we will stand solid on you,with true heart and love how Jesus Loved. Father please send good Christian candidates for office. Be with all my cbn prayer warriors. Be with all my prayer warriors. In Jesus precious and Holy name I pray, Amen.