Proverbs 12:7 (NLT): The wicked die and disappear, but the family of the godly stands firm.
Please Send This Prayer To All Your Family and Friends…
Let’s Pray: God I ask in Jesus name that You will step into the life of each member of my family (especially myself) and perfect the things in our lives which concerns You. Lord Jesus touch, save, and heal my family. May we all come to know, trust, love, and obey You. Bless each of us with a heart that desires and longs for the things of God.
Bless each of us with a repentant heart when we need to repent. Heal our backsliding. Deliver us from all evil. Bless each of us to walk in personal holiness, the spirit of love, forgiveness, integrity, humility, and faithfulness. Give us an undying love for You and Your Word. Help each of us to never stop learning about You or growing in our pursuit for true spiritual growth and maturity.
Teach us how not to judge or gossip about each other, but to pray for each other. Cause us to come out of our comfort zone and walk into our destiny. God bless each of us with Pastors, Teachers, and Mentors that walk in the integrity of Christ, Biblical truth, Biblical principles, and sound teaching; who will speak truth, words of encouragement, wisdom, knowledge, direction, and even words of rebuke from God when necessary, into our lives in love. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer for my family and myself, please do the same for all those I love, care about, and the writer of this prayer. Bless each of us Lord Jesus with what we stand in need of. God spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally save, deliver, and heal us all. Protect and keep us safe. What ever plans that the enemy of our souls have for us, let those plans backfire and blow up in the enemies’ face. Bless us with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Lead, guide, and direct our footsteps. Give us the eyes and wings of an eagle. Thank You Lord. Amen, so be it, in Jesus’ name.
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister