Father I pray for complete protection around my family. Please Father bring peace and happiness. Father I trust You and put my all problems in Your hands. Please give me the good news on Monday. Show me the way You want me to walk on. I pray in Jesus name Amen
Prayer to ask Padre Pio for Protection and Safety
Prayer to ask Padre Pio for Protection and Safety –
Padre Pio, protect my body, my mind, and my soul from evil snares, and drive away every evil and hateful person present in my daily life.
Prayer for Protection and Safety to Padre Pio
Padre Pio, faithful servant of God, you know the risks and dangers I face every day. Protect my body, my mind, and my soul from evil snares, and drive away every evil and hateful person present in my daily life. Padre Pio, by the graces granted to you I beg you to intercede for the protection of my home, my family, and my goods, and to take away all material or immaterial threats that could afflict me in any way.
Loving Padre Pio, look upon my fragility, console my heart, grant me your protection, and give me a strong faith. I beg you to protect me from tragedies, natural disasters, and unknown or incurable illnesses. Glorious Padre Pio, receive my prayer for protection and safety. Be the strength in which I find refuge, be a constant protection for all those who, lifting this prayer to heaven, invoke your name and your aid.
Intercede for all of us who call upon you with this prayer, for those who suffer injustice, for those who are rejected and marginalized, for those who feel defenseless and are alone and forgotten. Give me a charitable heart, teach me to be more generous, and help me to do good works with no thought for earthly compensation. Beloved Padre Pio, take pity on me, do not ignore my humble words, and drive away from me every possible evil.