Good and Faithful Servant
Father I come before you repentant of any and all sin that I have committed and ask for you love and forgiveness and to be washed and cleansed of it all. I thank you that all is well and thank you that the food I am to eat is cleansed through your image and blood. I pray or thank you that my DNA is not changed to any likeness but yours and that WIFI and all illegal use of technology will fail in it's attempts to change me to Satan's likeness. and to kill off all nano bots and nano technology that is or may be in my or your body at this time and not allow any of it to be in me anymore and any other time. People don't realize how much we ingest of nano technology already now. Soup, cereal etc all have nano technology in it and it needs to leave our bodies so I thank you Jesus you will have the holy spirit go through my body and kill it all off thank you and AMEN and AMEN!