Good and Faithful Servant
Father I come before you of contrite and humbled heart and I give you the thanks and praise you deserve over my and all other true believers lives, for if it was not for you most of us would be dead now. The devil in his obstinate disobedience with no legal right what so ever and no human right what so ever keep trying to falsely judge over me in matters you have already washed and cleansed me of. And as the true liar thief and murder he is and has been from the start, twists the truth to his advantage and tells me I'm arrested and I have done nothing wrong to be. Since I can't see my accusers but I hear them I have no defense other than the blood of Jesus and the truth of God's word, but the devil and his minions make up the rules so there's no way I can win unless you intercede for me personally in this celestial battle that seems to be using me as their scapegoat. I've now for over 11 months have been binding and sending the demons and evil back into the abys but they ignore me and or since it's the end times Jesus hasn't stepped in or something. I don't feel as if it's for lack of faith and all sin I have committed I've confessed to you many times so the devil has no legal right to me. Although the bible does not tell of any type of thing so teaching on this is more than likely false. Satan has to ask permission he doesn't get to stay messing with or oppressing me or people on legal rights as some teach this is false. Job was messed with only because God let him he had not legal right. Peter was only messed with, with permission so... yeah. While targeting, and gang stalking as some say and using technology demons and Evil principalities would have to invade people and tell them it's OK to treat people this way for vengeance and or other unlawful reasons. Jesus said himself if you're killed they will think they are doing his will and they are not. What is it Ephesians 6 that says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and wickedness and dominions in high places. Also it says Satan is the prince of the air so this means he's using his supernatural powers to manipulate the air around Gods elect as myself and others, to invade their minds and or ears as in my case. I hear constantly noise mainly in my left ear but now it's made it's way to my right ear. For months now I've heard voices and singing and drums and now a sound that sounds like one of those old fashioned pipe organs like what would be played in the phantom of the opera etc... This makes me sick the vibrations hit my heart and try to kill me. It's loud and intrusive to me while others around me can't hear this. I've recorded some of it and can somewhat clean it up, and some words and voices are heard, but does this mean my neighbors and or the Govt is sending me a sonic weapon signal or something? Maybe, for the tribulation times will be a time of trouble like no other and I know for a fact we are in that tribulation times, and were not waiting for it to happen. We are also way past the seals of Revelations and Trumpets and at the mark of the beast, but it's already here and it's not what people think. It has more to do with what you think as in the forehead and what you do or help in it's creation. the right hand. Not a chip and not necessarily being hunted down and killed if you don't take. But in the Trumpet judgements or whatever they are. The third angels sounds off and a star comes down from heaven and pollutes the waters. and is called wormwood. While the environment all around the world is polluted and drinking water is polluted this isn't the meaning of that. The water that is pollutes it the living waters that Jesus said. As in come to me who hunger and you will be fed come to me all who thirst and you will drink living waters. The water here represents his word and truth. Satan has polluted those with his false teaching and we are dying because of this. This false teaching is what that image of the beast is and the life it's given is the enforcement there of. We have the mark of the beast by listening and or reading and or agreeing with the false teachings and either through works help it's completion IE gangstlakers or in how we do with out believes etc... One such thing and false teaching has been how Romans 13 has been taught throughout the ages. Romans 13 never did say to obey Govt, it said to obey the higher liberty and the proof is found using a Strongs concordance. Look up the word power from Romans 13 or look online and you will see it means liberty. The first thing on the list of words is liberty now power. Obeying Govt. mandates like masks and or private sector mandates to not be able to buy or sell without a mask and now with the private sector making mandates that you take this evil vaccine or lose your job is and will be this mark. Churches obeying the Govt and closing down when this Covid 19 first hit, they have the Mark of the beast. Only those that stayed open and didn't make their members wear masks and or not make them take no vaccine don't. Also that could be the beast hating the whore since Govt pretty much owned the churches through this mess. Anyone teaching people this is love to wear a mask is going off of wormwood and giving you the mark of the beast or tempting you into it. Put away your Idols by not voting for all your doing is obeying false gods, as it says in Samuel when Israel asked Samuel to make a king over them. He/God told Samuel to do what they asked for it's not him/Samuel they rejected but Him/God as their king. Judah only had about 4 decent kings and is the only reason they've not lost all their identity through history. Israel the top kingdoms were scattered throughout the world, during their captivity in Assyria. Plus they are not Jews only Judah is Jews no American, or any other country that have Tribes of Israel in them are Jewish they are of Either Ephraim or Manasseh. Let Jesus be Your king Not man nor mankind. Hurry time is short Repent return to the one true God put the false gods away from you. Don't vote don't listen to what the Govt says nor give it any type of tribute. Remove your beast citizenship and apply to Gods kingdom before his full wrath begins to come down. With that said I ask for agreement to bind all powers of the air principalities of wickedness and high places and send them back into the abys where they belong and to never return to me and or anyone ever again, and to wait for their judgement and lake of fire. Plus I ask in agreement for the holy spirit to be rained down as it's said he will do on mankind or his true followers and have them see what it is I say is true or not. But repent now don't delay humble yourselves now and reread scripture and listen with an open heart to what I've warned about hear and pray pray pray pray. So that said I in Jesus name Bind the devil and all of his minions at work here on earth in these last days trying to destroy deceive and murder Gods elect using his mental abilities to create paranormal sonic weapons by using his power of the air to make people mad and crazy and go around doing things that will make them lost to God. as in kill someone or something. I in Jesus name with his blood pull down all forms of witchcraft, necromancy, sorcery and all other forms of mental abilities that people may have that Satan and his demons are using to empower his end times kingdom and torment of true believers of Jesus. and or to prevent his second coming by hitting people as my self with voices and or noises in hopes to convince them to worship him and take his mark etc... and burn all their enchants symbols idols candles music Magick and alters etc... and through the blood of Jesus and the holy spirit break them and burn them to pieces and forbid them to ever be rebuilt in any type fashion of form whatever. No amount of using tricks and or chants or protection spells will hold this off for Christ Jesus is lord and king over all forms of Magick, Magic tarot cards or white witch magick etc... and will never be able to be rebuilt no matter what they say to make you or me doubt. I say this is sure and is what's happening now and I ask for agreement in prayer to agree with me in all I have said and hope legit people will pray this. Amen!