father i ask you to turn this my part time business pre paid legal services around i place it in your hands i ask your hands will be all over it i ask you will put people in my path that i can help i ask you to have people contact me if they are struggling finiancially i can empower them to start this great part time business im here to be a servant of your people any one that needs help contact me in my e-mail lord i ask you start to open some major doors i also need to make more income in a monthly basis i ask lord to work i also im trying to reach the top position of the company i ask the lord toguide me and push me and pave the path to the top i will praise his name once again if i can help someone in this site finiancially or looking for another career i ask you will contact my e-mail i will be more than blessed to help you i ask you pray for me and add me to your prayer lists and prayer meetings i ask to pray with out ceasing god bless you luis