Servant of All
Father God, Who is the creator of all things. The Great I Am. The Alpha and Omega. I come to you tonight in prayer. Father God, I repent of any and all sin that would separate me from you. I repent for gossiping, lying and bearing false witness. Anything in me Lord that is not of you, please take it away especially unforgiveness and impatience. Father God, Please bless my finances. I repent as I know that I spend more time worrying about money than I do praying. Please forgive me Lord. Please bless my finances million fold, that I might pay off debt and hopefully never put money before you again. Father God, Please bless my students. Help me to love them as you love them. Help me to see joy in all of them. Hell me to inspire them with a calm voice and a calm heart. Help me to speak life into them. Father God, thank you for all of your blessings. Thank you for the food that I eat. Thank you for my home and my job. Thank you for my family and all the things that they have blessed me with especially love and understanding. Thank you for blessing my wish list. Thank you for the bills that I was able to pay. Thank you for the blessing that is prayer and unconditional love and mercy. Father God, Please heal my heart. Please heal any past trauma that is still influencing me. Please heal any unforgiveness that I am holding on to especially to myself and you. Father God, Please bring a loving, single, Christian man into my life who was made just for me and will be my husband and the father of my children. Father God, Please bless my team, my coworkers and my school. I give thanks that we will be an A+ school by 2024. I ask that you continue to bless my classroom wishlist in a miraculous way, that we may have everything that we need for our classroom. Father God, I know sometimes that I feel doubt, but I give thanks that your word says that with the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains. Father God, I give thanks that you are moving my mountains and cleaning a path to prosperity, success and love. I give thanks for wonders, signs and miracles. Father God, I give thanks that your word tells us that we’re two or more of us come together in your name, you will do it for us in heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.