Father God, we come before you honored to be called one of your children. Thank you for loving us and adopting us into your family. You are not only our Father but our Lord. You are forever worthy of praise and honor. How majestic is your name in all the earth! Even the mountains and the seas obey you. You have set everything in place for your purpose. We delight in your Word. Every Word you have given us is quenching living water for our parched soul. We lay our requests before you. Be merciful God to all of us. Please bless the righteous and surround us with your favor. Silence all those who tell lies and are out to destroy this country. Confuse their ways so nothing they say holds any bearing. They use your name and call upon you but their hearts are far from you. Their prayers are just memorized phrases spoken in habit than from the heart. Nothing we see happening can change the fact that you alone Father are in control of everything. Let the light of your face shine upon us O Lord. Fill our hearts with a greater joy than the things that this world offers. Deliver us Lord from every evil that has fallen upon this land. Just as the farmer waits for his harvest, so too we will wait upon you for our bounty of blessings. You alone sustain us. Your mercy and strength provide us with the power to rise up each day. We know you will never leave us or forsake us and we hold that promise in each of our hearts. Help us to see your mighty hands at work when all we see is destruction and deceit on the news. Your Word says to bring our requests to you Father. We humbly ask that you would heal our land and open the flood gates of Heaven and pour down a blessing so that the world would see that you alone are our God. Hear the cries of your people Lord. You are our rock, our fortress and our deliverer. You are our rock in whom we take refuge. The wicked have no fear of you and scoff at us for even saying your name. They plan evil plots against the innocent and the faithful. Your word says, many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trust in him. We know we are to be still before you and wait patiently for you. We are not to look at evil men who succeed in their evil ways or carry out their wicked schemes. Our hope is in you Lord and you alone. Deliver us Lord, do not delay. You are our help and our deliverer. We thank you for your love and your truth. Give us your peace that passes all understanding and help us to stand strong in our faith.