Humble Prayer Partner
father god in Jesus name we bind all principalities and powers of darkness that come against your children,let your angels who hearken unto your voice bring that great soteria,salvation where there is nothing missing,nothing broken, and a life that is not disgusting. Father pour out your blessings upon each child of god in their coming in and in their going out,let there be overflow in their baskets,storehouses and cupboards let there be overflow so much that it will flow over into the lives most neediest that the world will stand in awe of your favor upon your children,meet the needs of your people who need rent paid,electricity and utilities paid,let your people find your favor in debt cancellation forgive us father for our financial mismanagement of all finances we have earned and put to use in our lives without putting your kingdom first,enable us to be stewards with your leading of all we own and possess,father for those with children provide food comfort warmth a place to live with steady employment with benefits fit for a king.father allow the blessings to be seen by the world so that they will want what we your children have a loving, caring relationship with you let the world see our walk with you in all its glory and in your hands may we be instruments of righteousness and holiness being used to spread the gospel and advance your kingdom in Jesus name,strengthen each believer in a crisis of faith enable us to see you at work around us so we can join in and do the work with you for your glory enable us to put our faith to work with action that the works of Christ may be seen bringing you glory abbafather in Jesus name