Father God, if nothing else I have learned in the past year and a half, is that You have blessed me greatly. Family that has been woven with unbreakable fibers of love, friends who have woven themselves into these very fibers, You have sustained us through this nightmare. I have prayed for a miracle for Your child Christopher. I have not lost hope in You answering that prayer, but am thinking that maybe a miracle isn't always, instantaneous. That You have woven this miracle in our lives each and every moment, giving us strength and blessing in the already existing love, even more. And if You are doing this in my life, how many others who are somehow involved in this nightmare are being touched by You. I will NOT cease my asking You to redeem Your child, Christopher, and setting him free, that is my constant prayer. But, I will thank You through each day for the treasures You share with me, unselfishly. Praise to You, always. I believe You have made me a better person through this, and our son, I believe has grown in all ways through this, and that Satan has lost his hold. Please, Father God, keep Your angels encamped around Christopher and this family. Please place Your Word upon our hearts, so it will never leave us! Please, Almighty Lord, I lift our family and friends up, please, continue to bless this humbled, but loving family and friends in all ways. Light our lives with Your everlasting Grace and Mercy, vanishing all darkness from each heart and spirit, never to return! I ask these blessings and healing, in our Loving Precious Savior's name, Christ Jesus. Thank You, Father, thank You. Amen.