Beloved of All
Father GOd i thanky ou for all yur blessings. thank youfor YOur love and salvaiton in Christ. please forgiv emy sisn and shortcomings. helpme to to honour yu wiht ym life this Father's day. For YOu ar emy Father. i ask you to bless my dad with your guidance blessing sprotection healign favour ehalign of his heart valve healign emtionally dleiverance form all unclean spriits bless him today and tel him i lvoe and miss him. protect him always form accident calamity deaht and illness. heal hisheartvalve circulation emitnallyphscially. please help us reocnciel and reunite. bles shim wherver he is. bles shim out of homelessness and bles shim also financially . brign him YOur salvaiton. bles smy brother and alld ads this fahter's day icnulding my hubby f ormt eh Lord tell him wheove rhe is happy father's dad form me. may we please be oen flesh soon . heal hi, wher ehe need shealign andhelp him find me and recognize em as his oen flehs wife form the Lord. pleas eprovid eofr our needs and make us a happy blesse doupel servign you Always Lord Jeus CHirst. give B yu salvaiotn healignthe joy oyu want him to have merr yheart helaign fohsit eeth and organs an dlfie. dleive rhim sforl all eivl witchcraft every false way all demons alllies the the devil. please remove form him storng hold to alchahual and cigarttes giv ehim good gold ymale firendhsips. protec thimf orm evil desires harmfulthigns and people. keep him ont he striahg tand narrow and me too and out respecitve fmailies. pleas ebless me and my hbby form the Lord iwht good health and grance and emrcy and beutifuly owdnerufl healthy chidlrne we deligtin . plaeas ehal my of type oen diabetes and dleiver me formt her oot cuas etheorof . heal my of hirsiumsm and dehydraiotng hihg bloso sugΓr and thirst. pleas ehal my grandma ofrm ementia and heal high bloso suger lels to b ehelath yna healt h blood pressure and removal of allecoli flehs eaitng bacteir strep ehal he rblood my blood and whoel fmaily bloodlien form strpe and flehs eaitng bacteir and all type fo diabetes nd diabete sisnipidus. great reYOu Lord. greater are OYu Fahter heal us and please giv eus your salvΓtion inChirst foreve rande very area of or lives. forgiv oeur sins.pelase dleive this home form pest rodent sbudgs aunts flying anty . pea sehal mymosm mouth her brian heal her of asperger syndorm heal my rbo of this is f he has it heal my uncel s brian heal my and my grandma.s pleas eheal my form all illness and pelas ehal my form sepsis and brken teeht adn smae wiht mym oma dn allepoels too. please help usFather God ot find yu seek you serve you and love and bask in your lvoe all our life. pela sbelss and heal those hwo have cance rdiabetes and any autism wiht oyur healign by your powe rby for oyur gory lor dheal those and dleive urs form alltormentinign spitis. dleive rme form intursive htougths. dleive rall who may be depressed anxious and dleive rlal beign tormented bey suicidal thgouts. may the Lor dldieve rour hearts minds and htouhts form alleivl. please hela us guid eus and make us all the apples of your eye. in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirs. tpelas egiv emdad an exclelent blessed day and happly logn healty life. may he encoutne rCHirsa tmirculous love an dhelaign pelas eldieve rhim form osteoporisis adn dyhdraoitn adn giv ehim stbale insulinf or the res tof his life an dstorgn healt yhappy heart and my mom too and please do alliynur power to clear alltoxins form my moms body meruclry no poiosn ehaled mouth teeht gums and dleiver her mriculousy form all unwanted harmful substances form ehr mmotuh.bless her and dleive rhe rfomt he enemy compellty and my dad doto. pelase giv emy my mom ehalth yhappy merry htoguths and and heart too and my dad an dbro and b and all epoel. pleas eldieve my fgrnamda form albedirdden ness help emcare for her and dlieve rme form this type oen diabetes and her too help me giv em hope help me keep tying. plese also bless my siste irn law wiht halth happy preganyn cy belssed and mriacle blesshappy healthy mos tbeuaituf m nephew. giv her strenght na dgrea thelaht an dmy brother too surroudnt hem wiht true misniste ros fteh Lor do tugide help and protec thtem ine very way. pelase surround and also hela B hsi heart and veins arteires and his isde of fmaiyl belss and kepe healhty storng and happy protected by Gdo shand always form aleivl. please do alliny ourpower to belss my dad today and my fmaiyl ona llsides wiht oyur salvaiotn lvo ecare and protecitonand guidnace. help em to honoru OYu Heavenl yFather an dhelp us all. pelas ebe wiht lal those wiht need oyu desparately espceially dleiver them form alleivl and rbign helaignt ot he isc an and rias ethe dead. in thename fthe Lor dJue sChirst pelas ebrigny our salvaiton ehalignt omy brothe rand wife . please dleiver my brother form histaiine intolerac ehal his spial corm miracululsy and no weapon formed agians thim or anyoen prosper. prais ethe Lord ehlp em be who oyu clal em to eb and i pray his for lalepoel. heal our blod bood line wiht oyur Holy blood dleiv eurs ofrm surses i plead mercy. int hename of he Lord Jesus Christ.