Beloved of All
Father because you care for us you desire revival. Your revival brings life and nourishment, preservation and restoration. Thank you for sending Jesus to give us your abundant Life! Lord start your revival in me first. I am your servant and I place myself in position to receive revival. I feed on the scriptures as a sheep feeds in green pastures because your words are life to me. Holy Spirit of God you raised Jesus from the dead and you dwell in me. So, I yield to you to energize my Spirit, restore my soul and rejuvenate my mortal body. I renew my mind with your word. In my innermost being is a well of living water and I am revived. Revival is is not only life to me, but life to everyone who calls on the name of the Lord. I send forth angels to reap the harvest of revival. I put my hand to the sickle to reap the rich harvest of revival in my home, family, relationship, my community, ect. Pour yourself out on people. Lord, of the harvest pour out your Holy Spirit on all flesh. Almighty God show yourself mighty and strong with signs of wonders. Holy Spirit breathe life on us! I pray this above all names, Jesus! Amen!