Good and Faithful Servant
Father as a sinner it's hard to live by all your word, but through your son all things are possible. I edify your name in that your son died for all our sins so that the Devil no matter in flesh or spirit can touch us, meaning flesh follows his lead too people do follow Satan even if they don't think they do they do and some know they do so flesh does follow the adversary, but we know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. Your word also says to love our enemies and forgive them. Throughout this unlawful and unjust torment the v2k gangstalkers use lies and deceit to accuse me of things I didn't do or play weird noises to try and trap my mind in their song and noise. Outsiders don't know what this is but I do and you do. Gangstalkers either of Govt or private sectors use technology to abuse innocent people and proof is coming. But that said I give them up to you as in I forgive them their sins against mankind and others, and myself. Through this torment of hearing child rapper you touched a child play this game we want control over you, vibrations down my spine for not obeying them and a whole host of other things but I know that their punishment is coming and will be far worse than what I am going through now. So in that Father in your sons name I forgive them and then push off that responsibility to you Jesus to either let them be or find a punishment suitable for them as to what damage they've done to me and or tried to do to me. AMEN and AMEN!