Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Esther 4:16:
Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.
Commentary on this verse:
Esther 4 can speak to believers in a crisis. Firstly, it speaks of the role of lament. Secondly, it highlights the importance of seeking God’s help through prayer and fasting. Finally, it reminds us that times of crisis call for solidarity. Prayer and Fasting Esther’s request for Jews to fast for her highlights the importance of seeking divine intervention. In an overview of scriptural passages on fasting, Berghuis says the concept of fasting is presented in the Bible as a "way for God’s people as individuals or as a body to express humility, sorrow, repentance, seriousness in prayer, and a desire for God’s manifest presence." Believers are called to prayer and fasting in trying times. Jesus fasted (Matt 4:2–3) and expected his followers to fast, hence, he advised them what to do and what not to do when fasting (Matthew 6:16–18). Even when, for some reason, we cannot fast, Paul still encourages us—“be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
Then Queen Esther, seized with deadly anxiety, fled to the Lord. She took off her splendid apparel and put on the garments of distress and mourning, and instead of costly perfumes she covered her head with ashes and dung, and she utterly humbled her body; every part that she loved to adorn she covered with her tangled hair. She prayed to the Lord God of Israel, and said:
‘ O my Lord, You only are our king; help me, who am alone and have no helper but You, for my danger is in my hand. Ever since I was born I have heard in the tribe of my family that You, O LORD God, took Israel out of all the nations, and our ancestors from among all their forebears, for an everlasting inheritance, and that You did for them all that You promised. And now we have sinned before You, and You have handed us over to our enemies because we glorified their gods. You are righteous, O Lord! And now they are not satisfied that we are in bitter slavery, but they have covenanted with their idols to abolish what Your mouth has ordained, and to destroy Your inheritance, to stop the mouths of those who praise You and to quench Your altar and the glory of Your house, to open the mouths of the nations for the praise of vain idols, and to magnify for ever a mortal king. ‘O Lord, do not surrender Your sceptre to what has no being; and do not let them laugh at our downfall; but turn their plan against them, and make an example of him who began this against us. Remember, O Lord; make yourself known in this time of our affliction, and give me courage, O King of the gods and Master of all dominion! Put eloquent speech in my mouth before the lion, and turn his heart to hate the man who is fighting against us, so that there may be an end of him and those who agree with him. But save us by Your hand, and help me, who am alone and have no helper but You, O Lord. You have knowledge of all things, and You know that I hate the splendour of the wicked and abhor the bed of the uncircumcised and of any alien. You know my necessity—that I abhor the sign of my proud position, which is upon my head on days when I appear in public. I abhor it like a filthy rag, and I do not wear it on the days when I am at leisure. And Your servant has not eaten at Haman’s table, and I have not honoured the king’s feast or drunk the wine of libations. Your servant has had no joy since the day that I was brought here until now, except in You, O LORD God of Abraham. O God, whose might is over all, hear the voice of the despairing, and save us from the hands of evildoers. And save me from my fear!’ In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
以斯帖記 4:16:
以斯帖記 4 章可以在危機中對信徒說話。首先,它談到哀嘆的作用。其次,它強調了透過禱告和禁食尋求上帝幫助的重要性。最後,它提醒我們,危機時刻需要團結。 禱告和禁食 以斯帖要求猶太人為她禁食,這凸顯了尋求神的介入的重要性。在聖經經文有關禁食的經文的概述中,伯格休斯說,禁食的概念在聖經中被表述為「上帝子民作為個人或團體表達謙卑、悲傷、悔改、祈禱的嚴肅性以及對上帝的渴望的一種方式”。明顯的存在。” 信徒被呼召在艱難時期禱告和禁食。耶穌禁食(馬太福音 4:2-3)並期望祂的跟隨者禁食,因此祂建議他們禁食時該做什麼和不該做什麼(馬太福音 6:16-18)。即使我們因為某些原因不能禁食,保羅仍然鼓勵我們-「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神」(腓4:6)。
“ 我的主啊,唯有祢是我們的王;幫助我,我孤身一人,除了你之外沒有任何幫助者,因為我的危險就在我手中。自從我出生以來,我就在我的支派中聽說,耶和華上帝啊,你從列國中領出了以色列,從他們的祖先中領出了我們的祖先,作為永遠的產業,並且你為他們所有人做了這樣的事。現在我們在你面前犯了罪,你把我們交給了我們的敵人,因為我們榮耀了他們的神。主啊,祢是公義的!現在他們不滿足於我們處於痛苦的奴役之中,而是與他們的偶像立約,要廢除你口中所命定的,毀壞你的產業,堵住那些讚美你的人的口,消滅你的祭壇和聖殿。主啊,不要將你的權杖交給虛無;不要讓他們嘲笑我們的失敗;但要扭轉他們的計劃來反對他們,並以那個開始反對我們的人為榜樣。主啊,請記得;眾神之王和一切統治的主宰啊,在我們遭受苦難的時刻,請讓您為人所知,並給我勇氣!在獅子麵前將雄辯的言語放在我口中,使他的心轉而憎恨與我們作戰的人,這樣他和那些與他一致的人就可以被消滅。主啊,請用祢的手拯救我們,幫助我,我孤單一人,除了祢之外沒有任何援助者。你無所不知,也知道我憎恨惡人的榮華,憎惡未受割禮的人和外邦人的床。你知道我的必要性——我厭惡我的驕傲地位的標誌,當我出現在公眾面前時,它就在我的頭上。我厭惡它就像厭惡一塊骯髒的抹布,閒暇時我不戴它。僕人沒有在哈曼的席上吃飯,我也沒有守王的筵席,也沒有喝奠酒。耶和華亞伯拉罕的神啊,自從我被帶到這裡直到如今,你的僕人沒有喜樂,只有你的喜樂。上帝啊,祢的大能凌駕於一切之上,求祢垂聽絕望的聲音,將我們從惡人手中拯救出來。把我從恐懼中拯救出來! 我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。
Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.
Commentary on this verse:
Esther 4 can speak to believers in a crisis. Firstly, it speaks of the role of lament. Secondly, it highlights the importance of seeking God’s help through prayer and fasting. Finally, it reminds us that times of crisis call for solidarity. Prayer and Fasting Esther’s request for Jews to fast for her highlights the importance of seeking divine intervention. In an overview of scriptural passages on fasting, Berghuis says the concept of fasting is presented in the Bible as a "way for God’s people as individuals or as a body to express humility, sorrow, repentance, seriousness in prayer, and a desire for God’s manifest presence." Believers are called to prayer and fasting in trying times. Jesus fasted (Matt 4:2–3) and expected his followers to fast, hence, he advised them what to do and what not to do when fasting (Matthew 6:16–18). Even when, for some reason, we cannot fast, Paul still encourages us—“be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
Then Queen Esther, seized with deadly anxiety, fled to the Lord. She took off her splendid apparel and put on the garments of distress and mourning, and instead of costly perfumes she covered her head with ashes and dung, and she utterly humbled her body; every part that she loved to adorn she covered with her tangled hair. She prayed to the Lord God of Israel, and said:
‘ O my Lord, You only are our king; help me, who am alone and have no helper but You, for my danger is in my hand. Ever since I was born I have heard in the tribe of my family that You, O LORD God, took Israel out of all the nations, and our ancestors from among all their forebears, for an everlasting inheritance, and that You did for them all that You promised. And now we have sinned before You, and You have handed us over to our enemies because we glorified their gods. You are righteous, O Lord! And now they are not satisfied that we are in bitter slavery, but they have covenanted with their idols to abolish what Your mouth has ordained, and to destroy Your inheritance, to stop the mouths of those who praise You and to quench Your altar and the glory of Your house, to open the mouths of the nations for the praise of vain idols, and to magnify for ever a mortal king. ‘O Lord, do not surrender Your sceptre to what has no being; and do not let them laugh at our downfall; but turn their plan against them, and make an example of him who began this against us. Remember, O Lord; make yourself known in this time of our affliction, and give me courage, O King of the gods and Master of all dominion! Put eloquent speech in my mouth before the lion, and turn his heart to hate the man who is fighting against us, so that there may be an end of him and those who agree with him. But save us by Your hand, and help me, who am alone and have no helper but You, O Lord. You have knowledge of all things, and You know that I hate the splendour of the wicked and abhor the bed of the uncircumcised and of any alien. You know my necessity—that I abhor the sign of my proud position, which is upon my head on days when I appear in public. I abhor it like a filthy rag, and I do not wear it on the days when I am at leisure. And Your servant has not eaten at Haman’s table, and I have not honoured the king’s feast or drunk the wine of libations. Your servant has had no joy since the day that I was brought here until now, except in You, O LORD God of Abraham. O God, whose might is over all, hear the voice of the despairing, and save us from the hands of evildoers. And save me from my fear!’ In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
以斯帖記 4:16:
以斯帖記 4 章可以在危機中對信徒說話。首先,它談到哀嘆的作用。其次,它強調了透過禱告和禁食尋求上帝幫助的重要性。最後,它提醒我們,危機時刻需要團結。 禱告和禁食 以斯帖要求猶太人為她禁食,這凸顯了尋求神的介入的重要性。在聖經經文有關禁食的經文的概述中,伯格休斯說,禁食的概念在聖經中被表述為「上帝子民作為個人或團體表達謙卑、悲傷、悔改、祈禱的嚴肅性以及對上帝的渴望的一種方式”。明顯的存在。” 信徒被呼召在艱難時期禱告和禁食。耶穌禁食(馬太福音 4:2-3)並期望祂的跟隨者禁食,因此祂建議他們禁食時該做什麼和不該做什麼(馬太福音 6:16-18)。即使我們因為某些原因不能禁食,保羅仍然鼓勵我們-「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神」(腓4:6)。
“ 我的主啊,唯有祢是我們的王;幫助我,我孤身一人,除了你之外沒有任何幫助者,因為我的危險就在我手中。自從我出生以來,我就在我的支派中聽說,耶和華上帝啊,你從列國中領出了以色列,從他們的祖先中領出了我們的祖先,作為永遠的產業,並且你為他們所有人做了這樣的事。現在我們在你面前犯了罪,你把我們交給了我們的敵人,因為我們榮耀了他們的神。主啊,祢是公義的!現在他們不滿足於我們處於痛苦的奴役之中,而是與他們的偶像立約,要廢除你口中所命定的,毀壞你的產業,堵住那些讚美你的人的口,消滅你的祭壇和聖殿。主啊,不要將你的權杖交給虛無;不要讓他們嘲笑我們的失敗;但要扭轉他們的計劃來反對他們,並以那個開始反對我們的人為榜樣。主啊,請記得;眾神之王和一切統治的主宰啊,在我們遭受苦難的時刻,請讓您為人所知,並給我勇氣!在獅子麵前將雄辯的言語放在我口中,使他的心轉而憎恨與我們作戰的人,這樣他和那些與他一致的人就可以被消滅。主啊,請用祢的手拯救我們,幫助我,我孤單一人,除了祢之外沒有任何援助者。你無所不知,也知道我憎恨惡人的榮華,憎惡未受割禮的人和外邦人的床。你知道我的必要性——我厭惡我的驕傲地位的標誌,當我出現在公眾面前時,它就在我的頭上。我厭惡它就像厭惡一塊骯髒的抹布,閒暇時我不戴它。僕人沒有在哈曼的席上吃飯,我也沒有守王的筵席,也沒有喝奠酒。耶和華亞伯拉罕的神啊,自從我被帶到這裡直到如今,你的僕人沒有喜樂,只有你的喜樂。上帝啊,祢的大能凌駕於一切之上,求祢垂聽絕望的聲音,將我們從惡人手中拯救出來。把我從恐懼中拯救出來! 我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。