Beloved of All
Please pray for me. I do not know if this is a spiritual attack or what. Recently I started my journey to connect with God more, I have been spending more time in prayer, the word, and worshiping. I am on a journey to die to self but Christ increase in my life. Because I realized that as a Christian, Jesus was not a priority in my life, as much as I was going to church and telling people about him, my past actions really showed I was really playing within my spiritual journey. But now I have made a full decision to give Jesus a Throne in my heart, yes I am still developing but I know I will eventually get there. What is painful is that I am being attacked, I do not know if this is the plan of the devil for me to give up. My grandmother is throwing assumptions about me, very negative and evil assumptions, to a point that she wants me to go to seek medication attention because I do not open up about my problems, she reminds me of past pains, hurtful things, very hurtful. I am about to graduate and I do not feel like graduating, but just fetch my certificate, because I know I might not enjoy that day. A lot was said last night, she does not see the pain she causes me. I woke up with chest pains today, I could not pray normally today, as I was reading the Bible today in the morning, my mind was not there but I was reading PS 103:1-5. I am very young. Before I decided to write a prayer request, I was in tears crying to God as He stated in the book of Jer 33:3 that we must call to Him and He will answer us. My left arm was in so much pain from my neck, I thought I was going to have a stroke. I do believe Jesus heals and delivers, I asked Him to take my spirit, this is too much for me, I cannot handle this, this is really beyond me. I am alone in the house and my thoughts are becoming negative to end my life. But I know greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. But know the power of my God, I still cannot do this on my own physically, I am in a lot of pain, it is like people intentionally cause us pain, so we can think we are not worthy of living. I feel a deep piercing from my back to the front. Please also pray for my grandmother as well that God heals whatever they are going through because they drag me into it and that affects me so much. And that they experience the true love of Christ, that they may have a forgiving heart, so that they may love like Jesus Christ towards her sisters. We come from a Christian family yet I do not see the reflection of Christ in many hearts. Please pray on my behalf to the Father, that a young girl in South Africa needs her, I believe He can remove this mountain for me, as He died for me on the cross to make me free, surely He can also do this for me, because nothing is too difficult for HIM.