Beloved of All
I am reaching out to you for a prayer request as I know how powerful prayer can be when multiple people are praying over a situation. I have a family member that is an in law. They have been an in law for the past almost 20 years. About 2.5 years ago the family became divided over basically money. This in law has done a lot of things to different family members and caused a lot of division on her own. What was once a close family she has wreaked havoc on. My mom apparently became the worst mother in the world and didn’t raise my brother good enough she should have done more she shouldn’t be there so much for my sister and I she hasn’t been a good enough grandmother to their kids she shows other grandkids more attention etc. Same with my father. It took her almost 13 years to accomplish it but she’s succeeded in convincing my brother his parents are terrible people/ grandparents. She’s hurt my sister and I beyond belief with her ability to pro create easier than others. Example is my sister was miscarrying one time and she knew and did her own pregame announcement the next day (before my sister could even get through her miscarriage) she tried to do the same to me with another reveal at children’s birthday party. Knowing about the years and years of infertility that I had gone through and she was supposed to be one of my best friends rather than pull me aside to let me know that she was about to make a rather big announcement when it was just the two of us she chose to let me find out with everyone else which is fine. She wanted it to hurt me. Then pulled me aside and apologized and said she should have went with her heart and told me separately but my sibling told her I would be ok. I wasn’t the only one who thought it pretty hurtful my other siblings and niece (whom she befriended after that to try and hurt others) all came to myself to make sure I was processing ok. Which I was because I know that you can not disagree with God’s blessings for someone else. My time was coming. It did about 7 months after that and I was given my miracle baby boy who is almost 2 now. Her own twin sister was the one who was hateful to her about her 5th pregnancy not myself or my family. when I made my announcement, she left what I thought to be a really hurtful comment disguised as a congratulations. In my heart enough was enough and I removed the comment. She deleted and blocked me from social media which was more than ok. Later to unblock so I in turn blocked her so I don’t see or know anything that goes on in her life. Don’t care. She strategically has tried to have a “relationship” with every one of my older 3 kids at some point in time which we are not allowed to even speak to her younger kids and she has brainwashed them to think everyone else made these decisions and we don’t care about them. But my kids were older so I couldn’t not allow them to talk to them. First she tried with my younger step son using a toddler to try and manipulate him to not coming to my baby shower for his little brother but to come to her kids birthday party that she had on the same exact day as my one and only shower. He still managed to do both but that wasn’t what she had wanted. Then she sought out my daughter which has told me many things she heard her tell her kids about not mentioning us or speaking our names. It lasted a short time with my daughter until she decided to try and make a false Facebook post with accusations against me again using a kid and Jesus. That I chose money over family and hope it was worth it. I got an inheritance that all my siblings got. That’s not me choosing money. Then she never spoke to my oldest son until she learned his then girlfriend was pregnant. She used her to reel in bc she’s a photographer and knew she want professional pictures (I personally would pay for photos before I was made to get involved in a family feud I knew nothing about but not a young girl) So she started doing her pictures. She did her maternity pictures and of course that open the door to a relationship. She just had to foster it a little bit longer. Then, of course she did the newborn pictures and continue to take their son’s pictures. She does more free pictures for them than she’s ever done for anybody else in her family. Ever. This was to continue to grow the relationship because I believe in her heart, she thought that I would be upset or offended my DIL chose to have a relationship with her. I could not care less. As long as my kids knew how to not put themselves in the middle of the family drama and stay neutral I would continue to do my own thing over here. This of course could not be done because that was not the sole purpose in seeking out the relationship. My name has been brought up on many occasions, especially when there’s too much alcohol involved. I have a two year-old son who is very innocent and all of this and who is the one paying the ultimate price. Because of my daughter-in-law’s relationship with my sister in law she has began saying things that could only come from her which has continued to cause more division. We once had a great relationship and our boys played together and I never spoke of my brother and his wife because I didn’t need to. Now it’s to the point that when I send out an invitation for a two-year-old’s birthday party because in the moment they were with other family members. (which are not even really their family.) She chose to not even respond to the invite. My prayer request with knowing all the above is to pray my family out of the claws of the enemy. For innocent eyes to be opened to what is really taking place and the real reasons behind it. There is one common denominator in this entire families division and it’s one person. She disguises herself extremely well as a Christian. However these are just short examples of things that have happened over the years. Christians that truly love Jesus do not do these things. I am asking for prayer as it is my witness. I ask that truth be revealed. That reconciliation can take place. I ask that the Lord would reveal hearts and motives. And I ask that my son would be shielded from any unnecessary hurt. Thank you.