faith is shaken to the core. anxiety, loneliness, worry, doubt, lack, depression, sadness persist. nobody in my life. no church. living in a small, crappy community filled with gossips and busy bodies. i understand why people reach breaking point and say no more and and their lives. i understand it all too well. i contemplate it for myself. often. reading posts on here others have and do think about it too. been reading that bots are the majority of replies. that sucks and is so wrong on many levels. how disgusting. why do prayer sites do this? seems like a money grab nothing more. no energy to pray anymore. none. just about ready to put away (or throw away the christian books, bibles etc). i know now why people walk away from god and their faith. unanswered prayers day after day year after year really sucks. thats the god of love???
The prayers are not all bots, I don’t know if any are. I know I’m a living human with my own family and own struggles but I believe in the power of prayer and faithfulness of the Lord we serve.
The issue is not of God's love but our willingness to walk outside His will and commandments. You must open your heart to Him in truth to reveal Himself to you and save you. We are hard pressed on every side but not shaken. It’s hard and we need to put the blame where it should be, evil exists and sometimes we also make decisions that allow evil to operate in our lives. The good news is that God has given us free will to our choices and even when we make bad ones, He gives a way out. Ask God to show Himself and I promise if you surrender and give your life to Him, you will see the difference. God is not far from us but He is not a Father that compels, blaming and getting anger is a defense from doing what really matters, you know in your heart He is real, you know in your heart, you haven’t been right either but do you know how much He loves you? He gave up His son Jesus to die for our sins, because He knows we struggle with sins, so he gave us the way of escape, and what do you need? Just believe this is true, confess your sins to the invisible God and allow Him to take control of your life and protect you. Now does that mean there won’t be trials? Of course, there will! This world itself is flawed because of how wicked our choices as humans are but even in that God works in us to thrive even in the darkest spaces. To be honest, what do you have to lose (except your soul) you’ve tried the way of all men and it’s clearly not working, why don’t you give in to God for a change and see what happens. I promise it’s the best decision ever!!
I pray for you and with you, that the Holy Spirit will draw you to Himself and give you His peace that is beyond human understanding. God really loves you, best believe that!
Ps: I’ll stay on for a few extra minutes of my prayer time, you can give a fair test to confirm I’m not a bot but real live people are standing in the gap for each other here.