Humble Servant of All
please pray for my brothers wife A whose parents and grandma are covid positive. please pay for their delkiverance from covid completely in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. for their compelte healing and salvation in Christ. thank you. Please pray that my dads lungs heal from all flurona smptoms infamation and his bleeding stops. that his gout leaves and that all uric acid build up leave him and all my fmialy bodies. please bpray for my bedridden grandma needs healing in her blood pressure blood sugar healing and dleiverance from all evil flesh eatign bacteria demencia heart and bowels constant diarrea cross syndrom eand metabolic disorder. spine needs healign and deformations needs healign too inthe name of the Lord Jesus Christ . pleas epray God heals her and helps me and my mom be thae caregivers he wants us to be. I am severely depressed my kdineys need healign for years now i have no firends. i am a caregiver 24/7. we need warm water and heating and our kitchine roof is filles with lots of mould. God please get rid of it please!! int he nameof the Lord Jsus Christ begged God to lighted the workload but it only increase. y anyxiety is killing me. my mom has aspergers and we fight all the time. im with her all day all night. the lakc of rest kills me. GOd if you can help me lighten the load i beg you dont increase the problems. give me a break soemhow have mercy. i have so so run down. PLEASE PLEASE HELP LORÍD Heal the sick help us porr and needy folk.. LOrd deliver my fmaily from all sickness depression unbe,if. LOrd dleiver this world form alle vil. Protect me and my fmaily form alle vil and form all accidents. pleyse help me with all the tsks. Lord life is a livign hell for us. Please Help. why must life be suck a livign hell all the time.. im sorry for my sins. have mercy. please make our lives less of a livinghjell...please i beg you im tired help please help and heall all onthis site and imrpove our lives. Help us . dleiver us formt he devil int he nameof the Lord Jeus christ. please guide my momw ith Your hoLY spirit deliver her formt he devil. guid all people strognly wiht your holy spirit. let oyur Will be doen. help us please. please heal my moms brianand if willing her asperger syndrom,. please protect and prove for al my family members and all people. protect lal people form evil. heal all the sick help us Lor di beg you. please do all in your power to give em and my fmaily and all people a better livabel life. quality life free of demons torment sickness depression free of feal sadness free of all evil free of poverty lack struggle int he nam eof the Lord Jesus christ. im so tired of fightign. Pleas ehelp Lord help me im so alone help!! heal my grabndma heal her blood pressure bowels and all her body otuch her and dleiver her form all her bed of sickness. int he namoe f the Lord Jesus Christ. heal my mother touch her and dleiver her form th devil. heal my dad too. touch him and dleiver him formt he devl in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. please heal the nations have mercy. let your salvation come to all people. hav emrcy Lord. Please take away th evil viruses the vil of this world. help us to repent. have merc yi cant handl this pain heal me help me PLease help the christians. Help all people please dleiver us formt Satan in the anem toSPIRIT DELIVER HER FORM THE DEFIL. PLEASE HEAL HER SPERGERS SYNDROM. pLEASE HEAL MY AUTISTIC UNCLE. PROTECT HIM FORM CORONA VIRUS. PROVIDE FOR ALL HIS BNEEDS. PROTECT MY FMIALY FORM CORONA VIRUS. PROTECT ALL PEOEPLE FORM EVER YMANNE ROF EVIL. pLEASE hAVE MERCY. Also please pry God protects my famiyl from alle vil and that we aree al healed by His stripeds for His glory. Please Lord help us with your Holy spirit.guide us into all truth pleaseheal all on this site and save them too with your Holy blood and please do the same for all people. Please heal the elderly, escialoly my grnamda. please heal my dad who has lung issues. please hela him of covid isf he has that. please stop his nose bleeds and caus eof it. please keep hims afe form accidents from all evil. and please provide for all his needs heal his body reshis Youtho. Lord Jesus Christ heal HIma nd rescue him. Please Give HIm your salvation and also to my mom as well. heal her and help her. Help us please. please also help Vilikie. protecthim form all evil. please protect my whole fmaiyl form evil. please help my grandma give her movement sback. help her deliver her form all waste. please deliver her formt he pin and fluid build up. Please heal all who have heart problems. heal my moms heart my grandma may brothers and das alll peoples hearts be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. all who have covid or its variants be delivered now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . all whoi are sick be healed inthe name of the Lord Jesus Christ All HIs Glor by HIs power thank you Lord praises to You LOrd God almighty Lord and Savior of all