Jesus want us all saved and be on our way to heaven. He desires all of us to have peace, joy and happiness in our life as we serve Him whevere we are. He does not want anyone to end up in hells burning fire. Politics will not save you, riches of earth will not turn things around, only Jesus can do wonders for us when we start loving Him with all our heart, mind and soul. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. His word is true and we are on our way to our glorious home in heaven.
Unless love of God be pure in your heart,
You will not be able to reach Him.
Unless love be pure in your heart,
You and I could not enter heaven.
Only those who seek the Lord,
With a pure heart will enter His glorious presence.
Jesus expect us to be faithful and true.
Loving Him with everything we have.
Following Him no matter what the world says.
Close your eyes,
Close your mind.
Tell Jesus, I love You.
I praise You.
I adore You.
The deepest desire of my heart,
Is to see You in glory.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see the Lord.
Matt. 5.8
Unless love of God be pure in your heart,
You will not be able to reach Him.
Unless love be pure in your heart,
You and I could not enter heaven.
Only those who seek the Lord,
With a pure heart will enter His glorious presence.
Jesus expect us to be faithful and true.
Loving Him with everything we have.
Following Him no matter what the world says.
Close your eyes,
Close your mind.
Tell Jesus, I love You.
I praise You.
I adore You.
The deepest desire of my heart,
Is to see You in glory.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see the Lord.
Matt. 5.8